5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

I wish I could help u instead of putting words on a screen. I really feel for ur horrific nighmare. I pray that ur DH gets better soon and things get better for you. Im sooo sorry u r going thru this.
So sorry about all you and your family is going through, best wishes that your husband gets better quickly.
Sorry I have been out of touch. My hubby ended up in the hospital this entire time and only just came home. Myself and a home health nurse are nursing him back to health. He is on IV meds 4 times a day through a PICC line to his heart. He is having terrible withdrawals from all the narcotics he was on in the hospital :( We also discovered he has cancer so this is just the first battle of many.

In the meantime I have been losing 1 or 2 chicks per day to the "plague" as they slowly starve to death if they don't fight it off. A few have survived it. The gurgling hen is still hanging in there. Meanwhile my dogs have started a killing spree killing the strongest, healthiest and most valuable of all my chickens. I now have many breeds which I can no longer breed at all even if everything turns out to be okay as far as the type of disease. From my initial count of around 150 chickens we are now down to 84 outside and around 20 inside. I found new homes and had to give away our dogs - both because of the killing spree and the fact that will be having serious financial issues now. I had to give up on the A & M labs as I couldn't afford any more shipping or tests right now and frankly don't have the mental capacity to deal with this right now on top of everything else. The strong will survive.
Huge hugs! And many prayers!

The home nurse will help with a lot, but please take advantage of support groups for you. In person is the best, but online can help too. Take care of yourself with everything that's going on.

Sorry I have been out of touch. My hubby ended up in the hospital this entire time and only just came home. Myself and a home health nurse are nursing him back to health. He is on IV meds 4 times a day through a PICC line to his heart. He is having terrible withdrawals from all the narcotics he was on in the hospital :( We also discovered he has cancer so this is just the first battle of many.

In the meantime I have been losing 1 or 2 chicks per day to the "plague" as they slowly starve to death if they don't fight it off. A few have survived it. The gurgling hen is still hanging in there. Meanwhile my dogs have started a killing spree killing the strongest, healthiest and most valuable of all my chickens. I now have many breeds which I can no longer breed at all even if everything turns out to be okay as far as the type of disease. From my initial count of around 150 chickens we are now down to 84 outside and around 20 inside. I found new homes and had to give away our dogs - both because of the killing spree and the fact that will be having serious financial issues now. I had to give up on the A & M labs as I couldn't afford any more shipping or tests right now and frankly don't have the mental capacity to deal with this right now on top of everything else. The strong will survive.
I'm so sorry for all that you have had to deal with, Take a deep breath,stay strong and focus on your husband,take it one day at a time. You are a strong person,i know this from your postings,this strength will serve you well for yourself and your husband.

Try not to worry about the chickens(i know you love your chickens)but let nature will take its course,the strong will survive. I am hoping you see a turn about and that whatever your birds have will finally have run its course,and give you one less thing to worry about.

If you do not have moral support from family members,seek outside help,for the emotional/mental/financial strain will destroy a person faster than anything else. You need your strength for your husband.

Best wishes for you and your family,

What can I say that hasnt been said bfore. I know we dont see or feel anything like u do on this side of the screen, I say take everyones advise and talk to God often.......until next time..May God bless u out of this nightmare.
Well for my birthday my sis bought me LS 50 and more fowl pox vaccine to use on the babies that have never been outside with the others. I am on day 3 of dosing them with the Abx. No one has died but I still see lots of new sick ones. The wheezing hen is winning the battle though her eye still looks terrible. All signs of the respiratory issue seem gone, she is eating and drinking and acting relatively normal now. I have several new chicks with lethargy and several juvies blowing snot bubbles. Will hope for the best.

Hubby had his PET scan last Friday, and we should get the final cancer diagnosis on Tuesday. Hoping for the simplest possible diagnosis to cure, whatever that might be.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes.
there are no words...
Still no new deaths. The ones that looked bad look better, but now a whole new batch of older babies is wheezing with snot bubbles and watery eyes :idunno Just waiting to see. Hubby got the diagnosis for those keeping up with that. Its stage 3/4 base of tongue cancer and lymph node cancer on all the lymph nodes on the right side of his neck and upper chest. Possible involvement also with the tonsils and back of throat - waiting on an MRI to come back for more info on that. He begins Chemo on 12/17. I wish we could get him into the Burzynski Clinic in Houston for antineoplaston therapy but the FDA is still denying them the right to cure people except for those with inoperable brain cancers :(

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