5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

I don't know if it helps, but the pictures of the chicken with the swollen, bubbly eye look just like ILT to me. In that case, you have to just keep them isolated, away from dust and treat with terramycin for any secondary infections and just hope for the best. You know, it occurs to me that your chickens are coming down with a variety of different illesses and this would indicate an underlying immunosuppresant event. Were your birds vaccinated for mareks. Sometimes they can come down with mareks and the mareks wont kill them or even be really symptomatic. What mareks does, though is that it really deftly supresses the immune system and leaves them open to all kinds of pathogens and, in addition (since you mention some birds with weak, shaky or deformed legs I believe), some pathogens can keep the body from absorbing certain essential vitamins and minerals. Coccidia, for example, can sometimes lead to rickets. Maybe you're looking at mareks as your cheif underlying cause, or maybe not, just a shot in the dark.
Well Denagard did nothing. Oxine actually may have helped. Withholding judgement for a bit. I lost 3 Breda, a BCM, and an Isbar this week - all put down due to extreme neurological signs - lameness, imbalance and wry neck. :th I am now down to just 2 Breda - no idea on gender - a black and a splash, only a BCM roo, and only one Isbar pullet and 3 roos. The Isbar pullet laid her first egg today though so that is nice.

I don't want to talk about the cancer because its too much. But it would be nice if I could at least stop the chickens from dying.

See my tiny little green Isbar egg :)
I am afraid to believe it, but I think the Oxine may have done the trick :fl The only runny noses I saw today were from my 3 problem children who won't go in any of the coops where the oxine is, and insist on hanging out on the porch or under it. I still have one swollen eye, but I am going to keep on keeping on and see if we can fix that. It only just started so I am hopeful. Going to be using activated oxine to clean and disinfect everything possible today.
I am afraid to believe it, but I think the Oxine may have done the trick :fl The only runny noses I saw today were from my 3 problem children who won't go in any of the coops where the oxine is, and insist on hanging out on the porch or under it. I still have one swollen eye, but I am going to keep on keeping on and see if we can fix that. It only just started so I am hopeful. Going to be using activated oxine to clean and disinfect everything p
ossible today.

So happy something is finally working for you. What an amazing and strong person you are!!
I am afraid to believe it, but I think the Oxine may have done the trick :fl The only runny noses I saw today were from my 3 problem children who won't go in any of the coops where the oxine is, and insist on hanging out on the porch or under it. I still have one swollen eye, but I am going to keep on keeping on and see if we can fix that. It only just started so I am hopeful. Going to be using activated oxine to clean and disinfect everything possible today.

If you activate the oxine, make sure your chickens are not anywhere around! And make sure you protect yourself too. Don't breathe it in, etc.

BTW, did you put the unactivated oxine in their drinking water or just used a fogger on them? You can add 15 drops of unactivated oxine per gal of water to keep water from becoming a means of transmitting illness among your chickens. It kills many pathogens at that dose including e-coli. It would take some getting use to by the chickens, so you may want to start off with lower doses.
I'm not entirely sure, but if you plan on hatching eggs I would withold it for a few weeks before gathering eggs. I was seeing some neurological symptoms in my new hatched chicks (just a few a hatch) every year and decided the following year to withhold the oxine prior to collecting eggs thinking it could be the cause. I did not see any chicks exhibit those signs again. Could have just been coincidence, but that seemed to take care of it.
Chemo has been super rough, and apparently the chicken illness - whatever it is - has finally made it to the other side of the house. I gave 3 days of Denagard and 2 days of oxine treatment and then gave colloidal silver/Vet RX by dropper. Every one seemed to improve though still sick - I need to do oxine again but the weather has been too cold till today. This morning my only splash blue wheaten Ameraucana pullet had fallen down dead from the roost during the night :( The 3 roosters who used to live on that side of the house but had to get moved because they were attacking the smaller roos got sick when I moved them. Well last week they figured out how to get back to where they came from and brought sickness with them. Can't catch a freaking break. But the hens are starting to lay like mad and a friend is incubating them and having very good hatches with healthy babies. :idunno

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