6+ Hatching Eggs Sumatras, Mille Fleur Cochins, Muscovy! WA STATE

Rare Feathers Farm

11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Pleasant Valley, (Okanogan) WA
My Coop
My Coop

6+ Hatching eggs from my rare breeds flock. These eggs are from my standard Black Sumatra pen, my chocolate pied muscovy pen and my mille fleur cochin pen. These are QUALITY birds from select breeders! None of my birds have come from hatcheries. All birds are penned separately and I'm just offering a sale to sell off some odds & ends that do not equal enough to have one auction and that I hate to see go to waste. These are the three bird pens I know are laying almost daily and they are separated & old enough to breed. Fertility has been proven on each breed!

No guarantees on which eggs you'll get, it will be whoever laid today and tomorrow morning...I'll box them up tomorrow morning. They will ship TOMORROW afternoon so prompt payment is CRITICAL!
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Well, you could always make me offer!

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