I'm offering 6 Purebred Call Ducks Eggs extras will be included if my girls allow it.
This is a buy now at $20.00 plus shipping.
My call ducks are free range which means you can end up with an assortment of colors. My colors include: Chocolate, Mallard, Bibbed in chocolate and black, Butterscotch, pure black and white.
Eggs will also be unwashed to protect them from being contamination.
Even though they can fly and are free rangers, I have never had any of them fly off..
My flock did NOT come from a hatchery...
Eggs will not be shipped until payment has been accepted.
I will accept Paypal for payment, which can be sent to [email protected] and is due at the time of purchase. Contact me prior, if you want to make other arrangements.
This is a buy now at $20.00 plus shipping.
My call ducks are free range which means you can end up with an assortment of colors. My colors include: Chocolate, Mallard, Bibbed in chocolate and black, Butterscotch, pure black and white.
Eggs will also be unwashed to protect them from being contamination.
Even though they can fly and are free rangers, I have never had any of them fly off..
My flock did NOT come from a hatchery...
Eggs will not be shipped until payment has been accepted.
I will accept Paypal for payment, which can be sent to [email protected] and is due at the time of purchase. Contact me prior, if you want to make other arrangements.
Shipping is $15.00 I will ship Priority. I individually wrap my eggs in bubble wrap and stamp FRAGILE & PERISHABLE on the box, contact me prior if you want something different. I do my best to make sure your eggs will make it as safely as possible. But once the eggs leave my hands I have no control over how the USPS handles your eggs. I also have no control over the success of your hatch..