6+ Spangled Russian Orloff TEST Hatching Eggs (Large Fowl)

No, sorry. I just received two bantam Orloff pullets in the mail yesterday and they are still in quarantine...although laying.
I should have some bantam Orloff eggs within a month or two though...
No, sorry. I just received two bantam Orloff pullets in the mail yesterday and they are still in quarantine...although laying.
I should have some bantam Orloff eggs within a month or two though...

Thanks for the reply. My little Bantam Russian Orloff just went broody and is setting on 8 eggs. Hope she does a good job. I hatched two in the bator about a week ago and have 4 more due for lockdown in about 4 days.

Let me know when you have Bantam eggs for sale please.
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No, sorry. I just received two bantam Orloff pullets in the mail yesterday and they are still in quarantine...although laying.
I should have some bantam Orloff eggs within a month or two though...

Thanks for the reply. My little Bantam Russian Orloff just went broody and is setting on 8 eggs. Hope she does a good job. I hatched two in the bator about a week ago and have 4 more due for lockdown in about 4 days.

Let me know when you have Bantam eggs for sale please.

I'll maybe do a test egg auction in another month or so....and then they'll be listed on my website.
I will see if I can get some photos of my new girls tomorrow. They are pretty cute.

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