6 week old mixed breeds + lav orps


Sep 26, 2020
Lake County, CA
I have 7 mixed breeds and 3 lavender orps, all now 6 weeks old. Several are clearly roosters at this point, so I was hoping they might all be identifiable to a more trained eye. Thus I'm seeking out the expertise of those on here :) . I'd love y'all's input on my guesses. In most cases, the breed is also a guess so feel free to weigh in if you think I'm wrong on that. Thanks! And apologies for the crummy pics, they are almost never still...


Pretty definitely a roo. Australorp x splash Ameraucana. Sorry the pic is so out of focus, I had more in focus ones but none were quite as cute!


Hen? Purebred Lavender Orp.


Hen? Polish x splash Ameraucana.


Hen? French Copper Maran x splash Ameraucana.


Pretty confident this is a roo. Lavender Orpington.


Hen? French Copper Maran x splash Ameraucana


Hen? French Copper Maran x splash Ameraucana


Roo? French Copper Maran x splash Ameraucana. The comb is redder than the picture captures and this one is mean (to the other chickens, never to me).


Hen? Polish x splash Ameraucana. Koh is the friendliest and most inquisitive of the bunch so I'm biased in wanting her/him to be a hen...


Hen? Lavender Orpington. Looks a little roo-ish to me with the pink wattles but not even close to as much as El who is also a Lavender Orp so I'm going by comparison and guessing hen.

Thanks for your input!
Wait, is Henri behind Asa in Asa’s pic?
If so, Henri is also male, as that bird behind Asa has a male-specific pattern.

Yeah, that's Henri in the background. Out of interest, what is the male-specific pattern?

I was kind of worried Henri might be a roo as Irri picks on him and Asa mercilessly and I was guessing it might be a roo dominance thing. Poor Henri's bald spot is pretty visible in Asa's pic. Irri will definitely be the first into the stock pot unless he mellows out considerably!

I guess this puts me at 5 roosters: Asa, El, Henri, Irri, and Koh. 5:5 seems a reasonable balance for the hatch. I'll let y'all know in a month or so whether this turns out to be accurate.
Yeah, that's Henri in the background. Out of interest, what is the male-specific pattern?

I was kind of worried Henri might be a roo as Irri picks on him and Asa mercilessly and I was guessing it might be a roo dominance thing. Poor Henri's bald spot is pretty visible in Asa's pic. Irri will definitely be the first into the stock pot unless he mellows out considerably!

I guess this puts me at 5 roosters: Asa, El, Henri, Irri, and Koh. 5:5 seems a reasonable balance for the hatch. I'll let y'all know in a month or so whether this turns out to be accurate.
A male specific pattern is a brightly colored, patchy pattern females can’t have. Like this:

But there are also female specific patterns that males can‘t have. Like this. This gentle, pencilled ombré is not something males have.

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