6 week old with white flakes, head down all the time


10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
I'm new to chickens! One of my pullets, a blue splash maran is acting weird. She walks around with her head pulled down to her chest, like she's itching. It drives her so crazy, she'll pull herself over! I see white flakes on her. She is getting new feathers...could it just be that? The three other chicks dont do this. Any ideas?
thank you.
monitor her closely to ensure she is drinking sufficiently (separate her so you can do this). Do you have a general supplemental vitamin like aviacharge 2000? IIs there any puddles or stagnant water around ?
No water around...they are still in a large cardboard box with pine shavings. We clean the shavings every three days. they are on chick feed and have a warming light. They are about 6 weeks old. They are not on a vitamin...just whatever is in the chick feed.
I would give her a lukewarm bath with baby shampoo. Dry her well with a blow dryer on low. Might make her feel batter. Something is bothering her. It won't be long before the others get it so watch for other symptoms.
If she's getting a lot of new feathers, they could be itching her. Is she preening? The new feathers come in looking like wax coated quills. As they preen, the waxy coating flakes off and makes lots of dandruff looking flakes. I had a pet chicken that loved to get on my lap and have me preen her feathers. There would be a mound of white flakes when I finished.
I'd agree with ruling out lice and mites, particularly because the eggs of lice look a bit like mini-white snow to me.

If she's getting new feathers (that's the age for it) the casings of her 'pinfeathers" are a bit flakey, too. Often on smaller feathers they're a bit cylindrical - but if you get a tiny piece they are just more flat.

So based on that, I'd see which is it.

And birds growing new feathers do indeed itch a lot and will frequently preen to break those casings off their pinfeathers.

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