6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

I got these from someone local, but we had some freezing weather here too, maybe it froze before it was collected.

Sorry, I didn't notice in the pic that that first egg had veining, or one vein, or whatever. Mine never had any veining at all. If they froze, they wouldn't have any development at all, unless they froze after they started to develop.
You should have seen the looks when I told my family that I was excited because I was now an BYC Educator!

Well it means a lot to me....

Congrats!! This is well deserved! You provided so much information to us newbies during this hatch along. It is greatly appreciated.

Congrats to the winners!!!

Awesome hatch!

"Real Life" people just don't get chickens - it's why I love ya'll sooo much! (and we all need Chicken Cult t-shirts!!!)

It should! It takes a special kind of person (with great patience) to answer all those questions. Thank you (and everyone else) for sharing the knowlege you have.

Crazy Chicken People Unite!


I'm surprised at how quickly this chicken addiction has grown!! What started with just wanting some chickens to have fresh eggs, evolved into truly enjoying caring for and watching them, to joining along in this hatch along, to now this coming week-end...I'm going to a Chicken Show and I've already pre-arranged to pick up 2 chicks AND I'm getting 7 hatching eggs so that I can do the Val HAL!!

You all are a bunch of enablers!!!
Congrats!! This is well deserved! You provided so much information to us newbies during this hatch along. It is greatly appreciated.


I'm surprised at how quickly this chicken addiction has grown!! What started with just wanting some chickens to have fresh eggs, evolved into truly enjoying caring for and watching them, to joining along in this hatch along, to now this coming week-end...I'm going to a Chicken Show and I've already pre-arranged to pick up 2 chicks AND I'm getting 7 hatching eggs so that I can do the Val HAL!!

You all are a bunch of enablers!!!

Oh you're going to the Northeast Poultry Congress? So exciting! I am wanting to go and hopefully I will. DH doesn't enjoy chicken stuff and I would hate to take that long drive on my own. But I think I can convince DH to come along. Im mainly wanting to go to view the Plymouth Rocks .

What are you getting for chicks and eggs?
Sold half of my nyd Hal chicks already. That pays for half the new bator dh convinced me to buy. Hatch #2 due in a week. Got another buyer lined up for 10 chicks next week for a 4h project. Spring can come soon, I am ready.
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I'm surprised at how quickly this chicken addiction has grown!! What started with just wanting some chickens to have fresh eggs, evolved into truly enjoying caring for and watching them, to joining along in this hatch along, to now this coming week-end...I'm going to a Chicken Show and I've already pre-arranged to pick up 2 chicks AND I'm getting 7 hatching eggs so that I can do the Val HAL!!

You all are a bunch of enablers!!!
Right there with ya! I started in April 2013 with 4 feed store "pullets" - really 3 pullets and a roo
- after a friend got me hooked on delicious backyard eggs. Then my girls stopped laying over the winter
which began the quest to find a few more
so that I never had to go back to store-bought again...and then I found BYC!!!
"Enablers" does not begin to describe the awesome people I've found here
. And the never-ending supply of eye-candy
(and related hatching eggs
) makes it all to easy to go *Crazy Chicken Lady*
Oh you're going to the Northeast Poultry Congress? So exciting! I am wanting to go and hopefully I will. DH doesn't enjoy chicken stuff and I would hate to take that long drive on my own. But I think I can convince DH to come along. Im mainly wanting to go to view the Plymouth Rocks .

What are you getting for chicks and eggs?

Yep, I'm headed to Springfield early Saturday morning! I'm going with a co-worker who gave me my second hen. No husbands going so no one to dampen our shopping.

I'm picking up 2 silkie chicks which were born on the 2nd/3rd. They will keep my singleton company while he grows up. I'm hoping at least one of the silkies is a female so that I can give her to my niece after I have more cochin to keep my chick company. She loves silkies and would really like to have one to show with 4H. So hopefully at least one of the silkies is a pullet. As for eggs, I will be getting 7 bantam cochin eggs from a long time breeder and judge.
It was crazy how excited I was when he emailed back that he could bring me eggs. I'm so excited to not have shipped eggs for this next hatch. I just hope I have better results!!

Have you gone to this show before? Any advise on the show or what to expect? It sounds like it is going to be huge!
Right there with ya! I started in April 2013 with 4 feed store "pullets" - really 3 pullets and a roo
- after a friend got me hooked on delicious backyard eggs. Then my girls stopped laying over the winter
which began the quest to find a few more
so that I never had to go back to store-bought again...and then I found BYC!!!
"Enablers" does not begin to describe the awesome people I've found here
. And the never-ending supply of eye-candy
(and related hatching eggs
) makes it all to easy to go *Crazy Chicken Lady*

Crazy Chicken Lady...oh dear...is that better or worse than a crazy cat lady?!
(Just so I know which one to admit to first!!!)

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