7 Eggs, 6 Pullets?


Dec 28, 2016
Good evening!

For the past several years, I have remained firm in the thought that chickens cannot lay more than one egg per day, but today I experienced something very interesting.

Yesterday, after letting my pullets out, I shut the gate to the laying boxes for some reason. I did not realize it until that afternoon. Some hens laid their eggs outside the coop, but some held them, so to speak. When I let them out this morning, I collected one egg from the coop. Later that day, I collected 6 more eggs. A few eggs were badly deformed, but holding eggs in can have this effect.

What I found astonishing is that I have 6 white egg layers, but I collected 7 white eggs today. I can assure you that one egg was not laid the day before. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

I know if I were reading something like this I would find it crazy and unbelievable, but I’m quite amazed.
I think one of the hen's laid an egg after you collected last night, and then laid another one today.
I highly respect your thought, and unto this point I would support it, but I can assure you the egg was not laid after I collected/closed the coop that day. My coop is lighted and I did not turn out the lights and close the coop until 11:45 p.m. (all eggs were collected by then), and I collected eggs at 6:30 yesterday (no eggs were laid when I let them out in the morning).

There was one egg, however, that had the impression of another egg in it.
Also do not think that I leave the lights on in my coop. I forgot to turn it out during the day, and I didn’t get home until late.
Also do not think that I leave the lights on in my coop. I forgot to turn it out during the day, and I didn’t get home until late.
Might want to get a timer ;)
Inconsistent lighting can throw off laying.

Two eggs in a day is possible, tho pretty rare.
The 7th white egg could a normally brown egg that missed the paint booth?
Are these newly laying pullets?
Might want to get a timer ;)
Inconsistent lighting can throw off laying.

Two eggs in a day is possible, tho pretty rare.
The 7th white egg could a normally brown egg that missed the paint booth?
Are these newly laying pullets?
The coop is not “lighted” like you’re thinking. I turn on the lights to collect the eggs that are in, and on top of, the nest box. My coop is pretty dark, even with the door open.

Also, the brown eggs are from bantams, and all the white eggs sleeve pretty large; however, they have only been laying for a little over 2 months.

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