7 month hen clear water poo, penguin stance


Apr 18, 2015
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We have a 7month old Olive egger who is the runt and not the smartest of the flock (thus of course a favorite!) who is in a penguin stance with clear water poos. She’s been separated, eyes and skin clear, keel good, crop... empty in the morning and squishy. No stains or issues in the vent area. Belly feels ok nothing abnormal.

Given her food with powdered probiotic and electrolyte fluids.
I have never seen her lay an egg. So I am wondering if she’s internal laying. We also have had nonstop rain for a month and we have some type of mushroom growing on side of run that I wonder if she ate.


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Could be egg bound. Try getting a large pan or bucket or the kitchen sink works to. Fill with warm water and sitting her in it for like 20 to 30 mins (good luck they hate water). Then pat her dry and give her calcium and put her in a nest in a dark room she may laid her egg. If she did lay internally there isnt much you ca do. But if shes egg bound that's should help her out. Is she a ee mix? All my ees have had problems laying that first egg. Hawk by largest somehow got her first egg stuck in her vent and I had to splash cold water on it to stimulate her to give one last push.... that is after I caught her running around with an egg half out her bottom . Good luck hope that helps
Thanks. I felt something round on her left “belly” side, wasn’t sure if that was an egg or an organ. I will try tonight when I get home.
crop... empty in the morning and squishy
I have never seen her lay an egg. So I am wondering if she’s internal laying
I felt something round on her left “belly” side, wasn’t sure if that was an egg or an organ.

I would try soaking as suggested, then insert a lubricated, gloved finger about 1" inside the vent to see if there is an egg.
Since you felt a round something in the belly, she may be laying internally or have some other reproductive disorder.

Sometimes the best you can do is offer supportive care unless you have a vet take a look.

Warning!!! Graphic photo...

She seems in better spirits but.... I gave her a bath and the egg is not within the first one inch. When I did the check this morning, I could still feel the ball on her left side belly under the wing. I tried the finger thing again and she exploded on the paper with this...


Internal laying? Worse? C-Dif????
I could still feel the ball on her left side belly under the wing. I tried the finger thing again and she exploded on the paper with this...
Is she eating?
Can she poop by herself?

Green poop can be from not eating well or infection. Sometimes it can be diet too (green leafy veggies)

The poop is not normal, so if possible get a fecal float. It's hard to know what's going on with your sweet girl, but if you feel a ball under the wing, then she may have a tumor or some other mass in the abdomen.
Is she eating?
Can she poop by herself?

Green poop can be from not eating well or infection. Sometimes it can be diet too (green leafy veggies)

The poop is not normal, so if possible get a fecal float. It's hard to know what's going on with your sweet girl, but if you feel a ball under the wing, then she may have a tumor or some other mass in the abdomen.

She is eating and can poop by herself. She has not had greens in the last two days so her poop is probably caused then by an infection. I gave her ACV this morning. I have some chicken antibiotic meds left that I can give her tonight to see if she is fighting gut internal infection. I can also give her a dewormer though not sure if should he doing both at same time.

I am going to feel her other brood mates for a ball under their left wing and read some anatomy books tonight to see what it could be.

Thoughts anyone???
She is eating and can poop by herself. She has not had greens in the last two days so her poop is probably caused then by an infection. I gave her ACV this morning. I have some chicken antibiotic meds left that I can give her tonight to see if she is fighting gut internal infection. I can also give her a dewormer though not sure if should he doing both at same time.

I am going to feel her other brood mates for a ball under their left wing and read some anatomy books tonight to see what it could be.

Thoughts anyone???
Comparing her to the others is a good idea!

What antibiotic do you have and which de-wormer?
Most you can give at the same time with no contraindications.
Hello all,

To close the loophole... we checked against all her other brood mates and no one less had the lump on the left belly. We knew we were dealing with either an abnormal reproductive growth or internal egg laying. Neither of which we can fix and so we put her down.

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