7 new babies, 3 Silkies, look good????


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Marysville Ohio


Hi we have 7 new babies, 3 silkies, wondering if they guys look good and full bred as I am new to this, I have a 4 yr old and 8 yr old who want to do more with 4-h as well as have pets. We will be keeping any that turn out to be hens. They are eating drinking and sleeping well. We have 4 unknown bantam babies we bought from the amish they were very clean, the next day we picked up are silkies, they were dirty, smelly and had really hard poop, two days have passed and I have cleaned them up and their poop is normal looking now. Hope we are doing good, and they are not prejudice they all huddle together!! Were really having fun!
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Awww, they are cute!! Yep, Silkie roos crow. My Wendall crows just as much and as loud as my huge naked neck roo.

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