7+ Partridge Rock eggs and 5+ Silver Penciled Rock eggs Buy it Now


11 Years
Feb 17, 2008
Montpelier, Virginia
I have available 7+ Partridge Rock eggs and 5+ Silver Penciled Rock eggs. I will also include whatever is layed today, so there should be 1-2 extras PER variety. Eggs are stored at 55-60 degrees, not washed, and turned 2x/day.

These are non-hatchery stock birds. The PR's are from exhibition lines and are huge, beautiful birds with great color and type. Girls are around 7 pounds. 1 roo over 3 hens. The SPR's are from a wonderful breeder of this variety. We are still working on increasing size. 1 roo over 4 hens. I have experienced around a 90-95% hatch rate at home. All birds are just under 1 year old.

Shipping is $15. This is a classified (one time) listing, and will officially end on 7am EST on 3/22 if eggs have not been sold. Please comment below if you would like these eggs, which will ship Thursday 3/22 via Priority mail with tracking. Payment is expected via PayPal ([email protected]) as soon as you post you'd like the eggs.

As with all shipped eggs, I can not guarantee your hatch rate. Hatching eggs are a risk, but I do everything in my power to ensure a safe shipment for the eggs (wrapped in paper towel, then small bubble wrap, then padded in a box with large bubble wrap and shredded paper). If you have an exceedingly poor hatch please let me know. Although there are so many variables at work once the eggs leave my hands I always like my customers to be happy.
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They are lovely! I want them!

I've got a few questions since this is the first time I'll be buying shipped eggs. I have an experienced friend that will be hatching these eggs for me. We were planning to incubate beginning Wednesday the 28th. Can you ship them a little later (I'd like to receive them Tuesday)? Will it reduce the hatch rate to wait this long?

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