7 week old buff laced Polish genders

Thank you so much for replying!!! I appreciate it.

Yeah, we’re hoping that the other one is a different breed of pullet (Amberlink or Leghorn). Originally they told me they were both female GSL’s 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m obviously new to all things chicken & trusted my local feed store. Thankfully we have a friend who can take them if they are roos, but I am very attached & hoping they’re not.

(White wing is the prob cockerel we named Moo & reddish brown is Polish we named Meep, both supposedly at 3 days old.)
I’ve had pullets with pink combs/red wattles very early on—at 5 or 6 weeks, and thought for sure they were boys, so it’s a wait & see, especially with hatchery/feed store chicks. I once picked 6 boys out of 7 straight runs… but two years later I picked out 5 girls of 5 straight runs, so maybe I’m getting better… or maybe it’s all just luck of the draw! Good luck 🍀 and welcome to Backyard Chickens!!

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