7 Week Old Mixed - Pullet?


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2015
Hudson's Farm on the Cement Pond
So the consensus a few weeks ago was EE pullet (for the big partridge chick), but I think she has a single comb instead of a pea comb. She is a random mix from the flock of the owner of my feed store.still a pullet? Am I right that she has a single comb?

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How old are they? It maybe that the feathers are developing and look a bit scruffy, but the photo on the right seems (to me at least) to show signs of saddle feathers. If that is the case then its a roo.

Cant see from that distance (and spur development is far from conclusive evidence). Maybe it is a pullet that is just feathering out, and hence what i see as the beginnings of saddle feathers could simply be tail feathers growing.
I am leaning toward pullet. In my experience, EE pullets tend to have more even color distribution, whereas cockerels tend to have more blotchy coloring (usually brown blotches on the wings especially).
Yep, it's a girl.

Lots of folks will pin the EE label on any bird with this wild-type coloring, but in reality it's easy to get to through several paths of mixed breeding....kind of like getting a tan dog lol. It's more or less the default color for chickens. I don't see anything indicating she'll lay colored eggs, I think she's a barnyard mix. She could surprise you, though.
Actually, the feed store just called them a barnyard mix. He allows all his chickens to breed randomly, and then donate the eggs to the local Children's Museum so kids can see how chickens are born. We just thought she looked like an Easter Egger, cuz of the green legs and the coloring. I don't really care about the colored eggs how much just as long as there are eggs!

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