7 Wks Later Broody is Getting Her Reward UPDATE W/PIC


~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

Mom was pecking the chick, I think to get it back under her. I placed it back under her. I must say, I was a little alarmed at the way she was pecking considering she was so gentle with the eggs when she would gently take her beak and roll them back under her.

The chick must be a boy... he's henpecked already.

Seriously CUTE pic of those two. The chick could be saying, "Are you my mommy?"​
So cute.
I would be going crazy at work thinking about them and every possibility that could happen running through my head.

Can't wait to see more pics!
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Thank you all.

It's extremely hard being at work not knowing what's going on with Mom and the little one.

My 19 yr old daughter called me from home stating she popped in to use the iron but she's not interested in going out to the chicken coop to check on them.

She takes after my ex in that she's not interested in any of the pets and/or livestock. Oh - well, their loss.
Came home from work and found the little one safe and sound under Mom's wing.

3 other eggs pipped and peeping madly. One with it's beak out. She should have 4 little fuzzies under her come morning.

I think this first chick is a Black Star/Sex Link pullet.

I can't wait to see what the other 3 are.


This morning she now has 4 fuzzy butts to take care of. The three that hatched over night came out of Brown Leghorn shells and they do look like Brown Leghorns. We'll have to see how they develop to see what the Dad may have been.

Edited to add this picture I like better

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