7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Out of 19 eggs i have had 16 hatch 1 didnt make it from its navel area not being closed. Died 24 hours after birth. But all my others are doing great
That happens!

Nice hatch for you though.

Good morning everyone, one of my 10 won't make it. It's never opened it's eyes. All the others are running around eating and drinking just fine. Looks like 5 are the breed I ordered. 4 a different type. Still good by me. I like them.
Give the chick some baby vitamins without iron. I give them a drop on the beak in the morning and one in the evening. It may be a good idea to separate it too.

I hope the chick makes it!

I'll try and get new pic they already look different. I think one is a Sulmtaler and two Bresse although not sure on that as one of them has black spots on its wings. Going to go back to breeders pictures and see if I can find one that looks like it. I did post a pic they were in a plastic box with paper towels. I'll probably win the cutest picture award with that one.
There are Splash Bresse now.
60% hatch rate isn't to shabby for this time of year. What took out most of my eggs was infertility. But I still got all these cute little fuzzy butts. Congrats to all the new chicky parents on all your adorable hatchlings. May you be overflowing in pullets.

Good Job!

These are the two that hatched overnight
I have 3 rhodebar eggs pipped in the bator now. Just a day late
it really stinks that i have to leave for about 4 hours but maybe I'll come home to some new babies

Yes! When I have the urge to meddle with a hatch, I will often leave the house and then come back with hatched chicks.

So, I removed a little bit of pecked shell around my troubled chick and moistened the membranes. Its definitely mal-positioned. Its breathing well, but not really able to turn or move much. The shell is very thick/dark and I did not mark the air bubble earlier.

I went to Lowes to pick up another maglight since my husband has ours for work. I had never candled before during the hatch...I'm still very novice -- when I see a bunch of veins and a chick mass, I am very happy (and may not be able to distinguish early quitters well).

Anyway, brought home the mag-light and candled all the remaining eggs - Oh what a difference it makes! I can see so much more clearly than I can with the "candling flashlight" I bought from incubator warehouse. I am pretty sure the others are quitters. There is a lot of space in the shell, I don't hear chirping anymore, and I cannot appreciate any internal pips. I think any movement I see is from my own unsteady hand. When I am very still, there is no movement.

There is only one air bubble I cannot see - the one from the troubled chick :-(I am also very hesitant working with the egg seeing and listening to the chick. The inner membrane is started to retract in from the shell. I cannot see blood vessels from the outside, just a white membrane. I've chipped the shell away a bit and remoistened the membranes, It was getting dry near the beak and sticking.

I also realized during this that I never unplugged the incubator vent at day 10. I never really knew you were supposed to and never did it before. oops. I unplugged the vent - and now the temperature and humidity are dropping some. I guess I can't change the past - but I'll do better next time. My eggs are barnyard mixes so I can easily get more. I just feel bad if my error caused unnecessary problems.
Forgetting to remove the vent is why I do not use them. There may be a slight improvement in hatch rate with the plug in during the first week but it is very bad to leave it in after.

Hatch a longs are great for learning!
That's what I asked you! What are you going to do with all of those chicks? Mine are adding up as I hatch. I keep my favorites, then hatch more. I wasn't going to hatch more after this hatch a long..remember?
Well I was serious..then my Bubba started being a man. I couldn't pass up what I will now have as great layers out in the yard come spring! RIR and sexlink mix, but one will be a RIR to RIR. Nice layers coming like I said.

They will go from the tub brooder to the next bigger brooder in the Garage and then up in brooder sizes. The Cockerels will go to freezer camp and I will sell all but 5 of the pullets.

I do not have trouble selling pullets--A Professor in my Department will likely want a couple. He had a Raccoon attack several weeks ago.
You know how to hatch ducklings!  

Thanks! Took a lot of hands on learning, but getting better each time... takes tons of patience, baby steps, loss of sleep, and a measure of sanity given up but I love them! ;)

Still have a couple Calls not quite ready yet, but still looking good...
Give the chick some baby vitamins without iron. I give them a drop on the beak in the morning and one in the evening. It may be a good idea to separate it too.

I hope the chick makes it!

There are Splash Bresse now.

I had forgot about splash. Don't think this breeder has any. Another breeder told me his had black spots on them and they were supposed to be white. He was happy with their egg production if I remember right.

Regular baby vitamins without iron? As in human baby. Haven't had one of those around here lately. Wife just confirmed no baby or vitamins here.

Would it help open eyelids?
I'm going into town now so hopefully the pigeon egg will have hatched by the time I get back.

Got a pic of the "daddy" pigeon and the pipped egg



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