7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

It pays for itself if you are using heat lamps

I don't think they would work for me outside in the winter, it just gets too cold. But, I have to get one for indoors if it saves on money! I use light bulbs. Maybe it wouldn't be that much of a difference since they are not heat lamps?
Supposed to get down to 25F here tonight. Freezing temps for several days ahead.
Whose idea was it to hatch chicks in winter?

I just had 4 hatch today. I set 4 to see if Bubba was doing his job. He is, I set those 4 first, then they all hatched. Now, I have some from the other hens in. As long as I can keep this boy, I may as well hatch. Don't have a rooster too long before I'm having to place him.
Mine!  :ya   I just had 4 hatch today.  I set 4 to see if Bubba was doing his job.  He is, I set those 4 first, then they all hatched.  Now, I have some from the other hens in.  As long as I can keep this boy, I may as well hatch.  Don't have a rooster too long before I'm having to place him. 

Have a neighbor that gave me what they thought was a RIR rooster. Yea it's a hen. :gig
Have a neighbor that gave me what they thought was a RIR rooster. Yea it's a hen.

I have a hen from that hatch I got him from too..she hasn't started laying yet!! She needs to, I will get pure RIR's! She's close, saw her in a nest box last week. Come on already.
I have a hen from that hatch I got him from too..she hasn't started laying yet!!  She needs to, I will get pure RIR's!   She's close, saw her in a nest box last week.  Come on already. 

Maybe the neighbors won't hear him for awhile longer. My legbar rooster is starting to crow so I'm hoping to see eggs from the hens soon.

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