8 hens a fighting

I did that too, somewhat. Put up a barricade between them for a few days but there was still
a lot of chasing and pecking. Haven't seen any blood yet. Last night, I crept into the chicken house
and literally physically sat the 8 weeks on hens on the roost with the (2) 7 month older hens. Then I crept
out of the chicken house trying not to disturb them too much, they were jostling for place but no
pecking going on. Wonder what I will find out there this morning!!!! Thanks for the thoughts......
Mercy days....guess that is what roosters do....
Don't have any males in my hen house!!! Too much trouble, ha, ha!!!
Hope you get that all sorted out. I am doing okay with integrating mine
so far, seen no real blood yet so maybe since they have been free ranging
together for awhile it will make a difference.
What are the breed of chickens that you have on your page with location, etc...
The black and white ones?
When I read 8 hens a fighting it reminded me of they lady whose 8 sweet hens went cannibal on each other until there were only two left. Anyways the wire divider in the coop is a great idea.
Mercy days....guess that is what roosters do....
Don't have any males in my hen house!!! Too much trouble, ha, ha!!!
Hope you get that all sorted out. I am doing okay with integrating mine
so far, seen no real blood yet so maybe since they have been free ranging
together for awhile it will make a difference.
What are the breed of chickens that you have on your page with location, etc...
The black and white ones?
Tell me about it!! LOL I wouldn't have them except I decided this year to begin breeding a very ancient and rare breed: Silver Gray Dorkings. That's what the black and white ones (and the gray girls with them) are. I've set up my trios and in the spring I'll begin. So excited! I have 4 Dorking boys: 3 for the three trios and one extra in case something happens to one of them during the winter. Our 5th boy is our "bonus" chick: a gorgeous Partridge Cochin. He's strictly a pet--my kids love him. We live in Vermont and the flock is on pasture with a hoop coop that I made myself as their home base.
Yes I read about the Dorkings on this website.....interesting. I am new to this chicken business....started out with my
grandson's Easter chicks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, that he had no where to keep. Have increased flock by 4 Buff Orphingtons and 4 Barred Plymouth Rocks. Mainly for the eggs and something for the grandchildren to get involved with when they are here. They have made pets
out of most all of them. The two Reds follow them around like dogs, trailing after them. I would like to get a couple of
Colombian Rocks if I can find where to purchase them next Spring. They sort of look like the Dorkings that you have,
white and black. Thought that might be what yours were.
Well good luck with your breeding. Too advanced for me I am afraid......want to keep it as simple as possible.
Thanks, I have sent him an e-mail to see if he would have any live baby chicks in
Spring. Don't think I want to go the hatching route. He is in Cartersville, Ga
which is not too far from where I am so would be possible to pick up a couple
of female chicks if he does that sort of thing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks, I have sent him an e-mail to see if he would have any live baby chicks in
Spring. Don't think I want to go the hatching route. He is in Cartersville, Ga
which is not too far from where I am so would be possible to pick up a couple
of female chicks if he does that sort of thing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Oh! I didn't notice he was in GA, too. That's great!

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