8 month cockerel lost an eye in a fight?

Thanks everyone. We've cleaned up his nostrils this morning as they were totally solid with dried blood. He's eaten a scrambled egg and some feed and we've seen him drinking so all positive! There is no way you can see his eye as it's even more swollen than yesterday but you can see movement behind the eyelid. Does that mean his eye is still there?
You can wipe his face down with Vaseline or some kind of oil to keep it moist and prevent everything from scabbing up tight around his eye. I’m sure it’s still there if he’s keeping the eye closed. You can just pry it open a little to see.
He truly doesn’t look bad at all. I do know it does look bad though if you haven’t seen it before.
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It sounds like his eye may still be intact, but as I said yesterday it may take a few more days for the swollen eyelids to go down to know. Even if the eye is intact, it could be scarred or damaged. Time will tell. His crow may return when he feels better. Do you want to rehome the other rooster if this one turns out to be blind in one eye? Let us know what happens.
Yes I have a home for the silver laced cockerel he's going Wednesday afternoon. Meanwhile gold laced still has one eye shut. He's started making some noise this morning and is loving his scrambled egg treat.
More advice please everyone. I've still got him inside but his enemy has gone. I bathed the bad eye to try and get the crust off which seemed to be gluing the eye shut. Now the eyelid opens a bit but there is a creamy white glob is this a damaged eyelid? And I can't see any eye ball.:hitjust wondering whether I should let him out with the flock to see what happens?


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Wip his face down better to get all the dried blood off. It’s not all scabs. Take a q tip and roll it across the gunk in his eye to get it out. Pry his eye open with your fingers to actually see if the eye is intact.
Wip his face down better to get all the dried blood off. It’s not all scabs. Take a q tip and roll it across the gunk in his eye to get it out. Pry his eye open with your fingers to actually see if the eye is intact.
I would leave the poor bird alone now. He's eating, walking, pooping and is healing.
I wouldn't try to get any white stuff out of his eye, whether it's an inner eyelid or just a buildup of white blood cells fighting off infection, that white stuff is probably there for a purpose. Birds are great at healing, and if you leave his eye alone it will heal up correctly. A lot of people get frantic over stuff like this and can actually make the healing process take longer than it should.

Btw, it doesn't matter if his eye is intact or not, or even there. If it's gone, nothing will bring it back and he can live a long good life with just one eye. If the eye is in there but a little messed up, what are you gonna do other than mess it up more by playing with it. Let the bird alone, and let him heal. :pop
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Something else, you don't have to open his eye to know the eyeball is still there. If it's there, you should start to see the eyeball moving behind the eyelids. Just like you can see eyeballs of people moving during REM sleep.
I would leave the poor bird alone now. He's eating, walking, pooping and is healing.
I wouldn't try to get any white stuff out of his eye, whether it's an inner eyelid or just a buildup of white blood cells fighting off infection, that white stuff is probably there for a purpose. Birds are great at healing, and if you leave his eye alone it will heal up correctly. A lot of people get over stuff like this and can actually make the healing process take longer than it should.

Btw, it doesn't matter if his eye is intact or not, or even there. If it's gone, nothing will bring it back and he can live a long good life with just one eye. If the eye is in there but a little messed up, what are you gonna do other than mess it up more by playing with it. Let the bird alone, and let him heal. :pop
Yeah that’s what I said from the beginning but that’s not gonna happen. A simple wipe down to prevent the eyes from sticking in the first place would have helped. I’m not sure why you’re quoting me I’m plenty capable. I do appreciate your tips though. :thumbsup
Something else, you don't have to open his eye to know the eyeball is still there. If it's there, you should start to see the eyeball moving behind the eyelids. Just like you can see eyeballs of people moving during REM sleep.
They can still be damaged even if it’s there. Like you said though regardless the bird can live just fine with one eye.

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