8 week old duckling with weak leg



10 Years
Jan 31, 2012
central WV
I'm not sure what's going on with my big ol' baby. :(
They've had brewer's yeast in their food almost every time I've ever fed them. I don't see any injuries? but the weak leg seems atrophied compared to the other. I think it bears weight okay, but the leg swings out to the right as he/she walks (I STILL can't tell either way! I thought a boy for a while bc it sounded so quiet but now it gets kind of loud sometimes, but not "honk-y" like a girl?). From what I've read about perosis so far, it doesn't seem like that? It has lumbered around rather ungracefully for a while but I thought it was just because it grew SO big SO fast... I've only noticed real trouble walking the last couple days. It's possible it was injured...if I take them outside/inside I can only get one at a time and in the 30 seconds it takes me to grab the other sometimes they will jump off the steps/couch/whatever...(like I'm just going to ditch them - come on babies, you know better than that, lol)

Any ideas?


Also - epsom salt baths for ducks DO WORK great! I have had 2 ducks of mine hurt their ankles and it swelled up huge. I had them soak once a day in a warm epsom salt bath with clean water until I noticed improvement and it worked wonders. My ducks were full grown when it happened so I bought a litter box that was big/deep enough to fit one duck in it. You need to fill it with hot water and add the epsom salt into it, then let it cool down a bit before placing your duck into it. Since it's a duckling you can probably use a salad bowl or something on hand.
Wow - how long did it take to see improvement?
Technically it's still a duckling, I guess (I still consider them babies, lol), but it's been bigger than my full grown mallards for a couple weeks now :lau I should weigh it when I get home, I bet it's at least 4lbs... bigger than my Welshies too. Big ol' cuddly baby... PHOTO_20190525_130622__01.jpg
Wow - how long did it take to see improvement?
Technically it's still a duckling, I guess (I still consider them babies, lol), but it's been bigger than my full grown mallards for a couple weeks now :lau I should weigh it when I get home, I bet it's at least 4lbs... bigger than my Welshies too. Big ol' cuddly baby... View attachment 1802276

It all depends on how bad the problem is. I had one with wry neck that took two months to get fixed finally. But the Rouens I had I saw improvement in their legs in a week but they hadn’t gotten to the level your baby is because they were smaller when it started.

Between rest and good vitamin complex mix you may see something in a week but it can take longer with bigger birds like Pekin.
That’s a shame I don’t think snapping turtles need deep water when I lived in Florida they would be found in deep ditches. Poor Blanche glad you were there to save her. Sounds like you have done a good job cleaning the wound and more than likely she’ll be fine keep the flies away. As for big Al I just can’t imagine what could be going on unless it’s an injury and they can take quite a while to heal.
You can def see swelling can you try some Epsom salt wraps? or soaks? Maybe jumped one to many times. I'd give it a few days of this and keeping it from doing a lot of walking or running rest and soaks with pool time for exercise. Helping the little one in an out. Also maybe instead of Brewers yeast get the liquid b complex at TSC in the cattle dept and start giving 1 ml a day for support of those muscles. It works so much better than brewers yeast.
Yes get an All flock feed Purina makes a good one but I am sure there are others too. There will be 20% protein but the bag says for all poultry. Ducks included and I have used it for my flock from hatch till end of life. Makes it nice not having to change feeds. And still get the liquid b that will def help with muscle and joint health. I see the left legs is swollen is it just the way you have the camera angled?

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