80s Gathering

Journey Wow love Journey
I was there the night he was killed-across the street. Heard the shots. My step father took care of him, Yoko was screaming, he was trying to talk to us, blood all over us . So horrific. It is one of the reasons I never feel right in NYC. We've been back (especially to Strawberry Fields), but NYC scares the crap out of me.
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Certainly can't forget them! Or the Petshop Boys.

I used to do rollerskating "routines" in my driveway thinking I was too cool. I'd have my boom box out there and everything. Plus, I could do the cool squat thing with your leg stuck out
All the time fantasizing that I was the next Mary Lou Retton on wheels.
Thanks. It still haunts me...

What a great man.

And the whole time he (Mark David Chapin) was screaming "I got the imposter!Don't worry, I got the imposter!").

And Yoko....the sounds she made are indescrbable...
I had a crush on all of them. Embarrassing now because I grew up to like heavy metal but I really loved them.

Hungry Like The Wolf is still one song that makes me reminisce

Before MTV, on the weekends they would show videos all night long on Ted Turner's first channel. I used to stay up all night to watch that.

Do any of you remember when MTV actually played videos.

Whoooo. I just remembered one video. It was by a group called Berlin. The lead singer had her tips a different color then the rest of her hair. Did they sing, No More Lies?
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Stairway to Heaven is not from teh 80's but from the 1970's. I think that Y.M.C.A that someone mentioned is also from the 1970's.

Here is the wikipedia entry on Stairway to Heaven.

probably think that Stairway to Heaven is from the 80's because it was played so often. Freebird is another song from the 70's that was played a lot in the 80's
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I had a crush on all of them. Embarrassing now because I grew up to like heavy metal but I really loved them.

Hungry Like The Wolf is still one song that makes me reminisce

Before MTV, on the weekends they would show videos all night long on Ted Turner's first channel. I used to stay up all night to watch that.

Do any of you remember when MTV actually played videos.

Whoooo. I just remembered one video. It was by a group called Berlin. The lead singer had her tips a different color then the rest of her hair. Did they sing, No More Lies?

Berlin riding on the metro!! Rememder it!!! How about our mtv V J's Martha Quinn...

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