80s Gathering

You're back!!!!
Yeah I was just thinking today, she started this darn thread and hasn't been on in the past few days......btw, what type of work do you do....nurse?
No need to say sorry, I'm just jealous. I usually need 8-10 hours to function normally but seem to only be able to get 5 or less these days.
Oh well once the cold weather hits and the days get even shorter, I might be able to get some much need sleep. LOL
ICU nurse, ouch.... That must be a rough job. My SIL used to be an ER nurse but got really burnt out on it and quit nursing all together. I'm trying to convince my oldest dd to go into nursing though. She is great with kids and loves taking care of people.
Well I hope you have a somewhat easy night ahead of you.
Love the ICU gig. Just love it. Been at it for about 10 years, and still really like what I do.

But I do think the graveyard shifts might be the biggest contributor to the insomnia thing....Kind of screws up your body clock:rolleyes:

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