
Oh, and have a really short one of the first one to hatch, my little marans chick :)

So, it looks like I singed the bottom of my styro incubator the other day when the power went out and I used the oven to heat it up. At least I have a backup to use for extra parts. It seems that the still air hova bator that I have has become a parts bank for my other bators lol. The wafer has replaced one in the cabinet. The switch will be going to the cabinet too and now the bottom will be going to replace the bottom of my forced air hova bator. Moral of the story, don't put your bator in the oven and keep a backup for parts lol

This is a hen from my first Trader Joes hatch about 4 years ago. I sold them to a person in Redding and a fox got them!

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