9.5 week old Araucana or Australorp


In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
Summerland BC Canada
wondering if you all see Roo here or not. Bird is 9.5 weeks and starting to look much more roo like. Also wondering about the mottling on the chest if that can be a sign of being a rooster in these breeds. I got them from someone who had both Araucana and Australorp.
Looks more like a Aracauna pullet to me. Does it have tail at all? Aracaunas don't have tails, and have the light eyes. Australorps have dark brown eyes and tails.
Awesome, thanks for the help all. I see the greenish legs so thinking EE now. That's exciting to have non-brown eggs! Seeing pullet with that knowledge?
Easter Eggers are hybrids that contain the blue egg gene. So it's possible not to have just blue to blueish-green eggs. You could get green, pink, or even yellow, depending on the cross.

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