9 week old hens losing feathers....why?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 14, 2009
I have 6 nine week old hens (NO roosters) and everyday there are more and more feathers on the ground in the coop. I'm new at this and don't know why this is happening. I put DE on the ground and in a dust/bath hole for them to "bathe" in. It's also in their food. So why are they losing so many feathers right now? They are in a 10'X10' coop so I know they are not crowded. I keep fresh water and food out for them 24/7...chick food....and even give them occational treats. They have roosts for them....they are actually very spoiled. There's probably 14-16 new feathers on the ground everyday. I've not seen any of them doing it to themselves nor to the others. I just can't figure it out! Help! And what do I do about it? Thanks!
Gail from Georgia
They're probably still just getting their feathers all in & loosing the baby fuzz & starter feathers. As long as there aren't bare patches on them & you don't see anyone picking on others, I wouldn't worry about it.
check for mouse holes....sometimes (but usually durring winter), mice will pull feathers when the birds are sleeping to use as bedding
Same thing happening here. Mine are 9 weeks old too. From the number of people with the same response I am assuming its normal. My 4 year old likes to pick up all the stray feathers and collect them.... just wait till' there's eggs for her to collect

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