90 assorted and mostly mystery eggs hatch (the lav made it!!!)

I hope so, I am having some seriously sleepless nights here! This is worse than when that farm in Georgia has their incubator cam up, that is all I do is sit and watch chicks hatch!

Here they are all 4 of them. 1 porcelain Dutch, 1 blue orpigton, 1 EE, and 1 Peepers the 4th. There is 5th egg that has pipped and zipped almost all the way around. The Bator got unplugged and I think it was for too long, but at least something made and there is a lot of peeping still coming from the remaining eggs.

Some sad news as well. 1 Lavender Orpington and the only one to hatch has hatched with his egg sack only halfway absorbed. He is very weak and cold and I'm not sure if he will make it. I need some good wishes and prayers for this one. He is doing better than he was an hour or so ago.

AAAARRGH, Zombie Chickens!!!
Awww I hope the little lav makes it, what cute little fuzzy butts! THANK YOU for updating we were seriously about to send out a search party!

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