90 assorted and mostly mystery eggs hatch (the lav made it!!!)

The little lav made it!!!


Here he is! The little miracle lavendar orpington. I checked the bator in the morning and he was all fluffy and walking around. Thank you for the good wishes they really helped!

Total for the hatch is 8 chicks. Pretty good for free eggs from a bunch of unknown sources. Not to mention the unplug.

Now for the Texas And M Quail eggs due to hatch in 3 days. Also from a fair breeder.
I lost a chick yesterday. One of the unknown breed chicks that hatched out of the wrong end. I suppose it was bound to happen though since he wasn't behaving the way he should have.
wow I really expected more.. but I sure am glad you did this little experiment. I hope you do it again next year.. it was really fun waiting to find out what came about of the eggs..

blessed be )O(

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