A bad ending šŸ˜”

So with cool and hot spots will that mean some eggs will not hatch and others will?
Yes...very possible.
Very possible the eggs sitting int he hot spots will die and the ones sitting in the spots too cool may die too or may be way behind.
I didnā€™t have any extra thermometers, I thought the incubator wouldā€™ve told me all of that..
Buy more.
Never trust ANY incubator's built in thermometer or humidity gauge.
ALWAYS buy separate and CALIBRATE them.
The trick is to keep the incubator in a room where the temperature of the room is stable.
Sorry about the bad hatch.

I have a 9300, and am in my third batch. Great first hatch, mediocre second hatch. This time, I added the air circulator fan, so we will see how that goes. Pretty sure the mediocre hatch was a temp problem- I turned the eggs less often and I think the thermometers were incorrect - although they had been reliable the first hatch.

My first use of the 9300 I did turn by hand 3x per day. Wash your hands always before touching the eggs. Since there is inherently hot and cold spots, I removed the middle eggs, and turned the outer eggs and moved them to the center (just roll them towards the middle is fine). Then I replaced the removed ones to the outer edges of the eggs that were moved to the middle. So, always a new location in the bator. Took very little time to do.

Humidity. Too high throughout and eggs donā€™t loose enough moisture.

Room temp: try to have it in a stable environment. If not possible, then I have had success with putting this incubator (and a smaller homemade styrofoam cooler incubator) into a larger cardboard box with sides that are 1-3ā€ taller than the incubator. If you use a box, make sure that there is some excess room on all sides so air exchange can happen. A more simple approach is to get a large sheet of cardboard to prop up in such a way as to deflect the majority of any drafts. In addition, the floor is colder, so if you can put it on a table, or similar, that keeps it away from the coolest spot and away from convection currents where cold air drops and flows across the floor.

Good luck.

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