A bantam of some sort??


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Central NC
I had some broodys who were too restless to hatch any eggs (kept switching nests) so I was able to buy the last few chicks at Southern States... all the lady could tell me was that they were bantams of some sort (which I had already figured out at that point
(oh, and a lone guinea that she marked down just so I would take it... thought he was a goner the first morning when he wandered off into some dense brush/briars, but he made it back and has stuck pretty close to mama hen since!). I have 4 black and white chicks (there was one yellow/white one, but it didn't make it through the night... I guess it got stepped on??). I noticed yesterday that one actually has feathered feet! Any ideas what breed they might be? I don't know much about bantams - the only one I currently have is a Seabright from a friend, but I didn't get it until it was fully feathered so no idea what it looked like as a chick.

Edited to fix pics in a new post...
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OK, pictures not working for some reason... never had that issue before. Hmmm....

Fluffy butts running from the monster camera - can you spot the odd ball guinea?

Best pic I could get of the wiggly little guy (I am assuming "guy" based on the fact that I read that in feather footed breeds the males show sooner than the females... the other three, again, making the assumption they are even all the same breed, are still bare legged).

OK... I guess this will work now?
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Best pic I could get of the wiggly little guy (I am assuming "guy" based on the fact that I read that in feather footed breeds the males show sooner than the females... the other three, again, making the assumption they are even all the same breed, are still bare legged).

OK... I guess this will work now?
This one looks like a bantam cochin.
I agree he/she is probably a Cochin. I believe that the feathered shanks should be visible from hatch on both sexes though, so you may have two different breeds!

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