A Barbezieux Thread.


Cody A

5 Years
Sep 20, 2014
N. Louisiana
Hello to all that are raising Barbezieux.

This is an open discussion thread and is a work in progress for raising Barbezieux as meat birds.
Anyone is welcome to join in the discussion. I've only been raising chickens for a year so I'm a bit of a newb.

My plan is to eventually spiral breed also known as clan mating.
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someone asked how they tasted. I've been raising these with Bresse, Dorkings, Marans and a few others in rounds of "taste-offs". the Barbezieux and Dorkings are my favorite to eat. Opposite ends of the spectrum and totally different. Where Dorkings are sweet, halibut white and supple the Barbezieux are rich, dark and wild with so much gelatin, as soon as the broth or stock cools just a little you see it. both need be cooked differently. Such neat birds!
Here are my Barbs.




My largest Rooster comes up to my knee. His back comes up to my knee. Still no eggs yet. Pam
Hi Guzman. If your asking why I'm waiting to butcher or cull down to my picks for breeding. I've read some breeders wait a year or two to pick their breeders because health issues can pop up as the birds mature. For example the male I posted about with leg issues just popped up in the last couple weeks. He was one of the biggest, best looking males and also less flighty than the others. Unfortunately he will need to be culled. I don't know the reason he's having leg problems but if it's genetics then I don't want them to be passed down.

I'm relatively new to keeping chooks and am always open to advice and input from more experienced folks than me. :)
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I have 5 boys and 5 girls that hatched 12/27/15 and I am trying to decide which 2 boys to keep. The largest 2 had floppy combs when younger, but they are coming up nicely in the last week or two. My birds are fed all organic, non-GMO feed (Modesto brand) and had been on starter/grower until about 2 weeks ago, when I switched them to a finisher pellet. The girls are starting to get very red combs now, so I put a nesting box in with them a few days ago. I want to cull a few of the boys soon though, so the girls don't get beaten up.

My Barbeziuex chicks hatched today. I took 5 out of the incubator and helped one out of its shell. The membrane around the chick I helped was dry, so I mist it with water until it came loose. I left it in the incubator to fluff up, I hope it will straighten out.....................


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