A Big Change For DeKalb County Ga Ordinance

Hey there well according to conversations i have been having with Dekalb County supposedly the zoning ordinance will be approved by this June. I you really want to help email all the commissioners and ask for the change maybe they might move faster who's knows. But its a start!
Hello! I am new to this site. We live in North Forsyth county. My address is in Cumming, Ga. I had called Cumming city hall prior to buying my chickens and the gentleman there stated that they where absolutely legal. Well, one of my other neighbors, who has 6 hens, had an inspector see her hens while inspecting a new build and reported her. Apparently you can have chickens in Cumming, but we're under Forsyth. I called forsyth city hall and was told that we are zoned as CR-1 and cannot have them. How do I go about starting the process to have ordinances placed for the exception of small flock backyard chickens vs large poultry houses? Help! My neighbors are wonderful and I have no back neighbors but I'm worried that they'll be found.
Hi SusyShortcake well first do your research found out what is the ordinance is now in your county and the adjoining county that allows chickens and model your argument (why chickens) around what should be allowed and why. Your strength is in your numbers, all that wants backyard chickens need to start a writing campaign to the county commissioners on the benefits of having chickens as pets and healthy food choice. Thats just for starters........Good Luck
Is this going to be approved by June?

I have four hens and one of my neighbors called code enforcement on me. I am in Unincorporated Dekalb.

This is so frustrating, I have a house next to me where there are six rescue dogs that bark all the time and I get called for four hens that don't make any noise.

If it's not approved, I think I'm going to have to get rid of them. Anyone know how much the fines are?

I hope everyone shows up at the BOC meeting. I've heard it is Monday night (May 11th) at 6:30pm. But I need to confirm that.
If I were a chicken breeder in DeKalb County, Georgia, I would organize a "Chick-In".

First, identify who your problems are. The people making the decision to not allow chickens need to be singled out and popular public opinion must be organized against them in a fashion that will make them cave in to your demand, rather than face the backlash for their stance against chickens and more specifically, small business owners and farmers.

The problem is that your politicians have been allowed to control the dialogue and paint this out as them preventing your neighbors from having noisy chickens. You need to change this dialogue to paint your politicians out as being anti-jobs and pro-big agriculture, which will turn voter opinion against them.

Second, identify your local allies. If you have animal rights groups in your area that will help support you, great. If not, there is still a lot you can do by yourselves. Utilize social media and if you can, get news coverage on the situation to increase pressure on your politicians by shamelessly pandering to animal lovers, showing your chickens to the public and thereby increasing the sympathy factor in your favor by informing the public that your chickens have names and are friendly, family pets.

This is especially effective if you happen to have children.

Could you imagine the public outrage and backlash caused by having to tell some cute little kid that they might not be able to keep the family pet because of some evil, greedy politician who only supports big agriculture and hates small business is generating revenue for the county by preying on some defenseless mother and father trying to put fresh eggs on their table during tough times for their children and charging them outrageous fees simply for daring to provide for their family?

Organize a public protest with your chickens. Do you really think that animal control could handle several hundred chickens or that the local police would really bother you with anything more than a fine that you can then use to show how your local politicians are hassling peaceful protesters? Oh, the humanity of it all!

Face it, they can not really do anything to your or your chickens and if they do, you have created the perfect grounds on which to cause some legal trouble for them and I guarantee that you will have lawyers just begging to take your case for free because of the potential payday. Better yet, do you really think that your county will want that kind of legal attention and the resulting negative publicity? They would rather cave to your demand at that point.

By the end of this, you will have them singing the praises of chickens and trying to spin their new decision to allow them as "progressive change" with the times and a "pro-small business" decision.
Is this going to be approved by June?

I have four hens and one of my neighbors called code enforcement on me. I am in Unincorporated Dekalb.

This is so frustrating, I have a house next to me where there are six rescue dogs that bark all the time and I get called for four hens that don't make any noise.

If it's not approved, I think I'm going to have to get rid of them. Anyone know how much the fines are?

I hope everyone shows up at the BOC meeting. I've heard it is Monday night (May 11th) at 6:30pm. But I need to confirm that.

I don't know anything about a monday evening meeting, but I do know about the ones that are held every second tuesday of the month at 10.
Hi Everyone, I recently purchased a home in stone mountain and want to have backyard chickens for fresh eggs. I've read through the previous posts. Have the laws changed?

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