a blind roo doing his job (pics)

thankies all

me and him gotta special bond,, he's been shot through the head, and i had mine half ripped off,, so i got a soft spot for him hehee

me and him gonna be together till 1 of keel ova
my other roo's except for my big leghorn dont like them so much, they put up with them if they have to, but they grab em and will throw them out of the way,, my leghorn will put up with them, but wont "care" for them like hand-held does.
im starting to think ole hand-held isnt like this for the chicks,,,,, i think he's the one thats cold,,lol,,, it was in the low 40's this morning,, i look around, only half the chicks were out, and no hand-held,, i look under their shade tarp,,, and there he is all snuggly warm with the babies lol


I have Barnevelder roosters who will sit on chicks and keep them warm........very strange to watch.....I have a friend who's Barnies are the same way.... this breed must be extra special.................. at least I think they are~
LOVED this post, Jim! You and your wifey are blessed! You have compassion in your hearts, you're blessed with beautiful children, and you can enjoy and appreciate the chicken & other critter lives for which you have responsibility. Thanks for sharing! :)
lol Feeding time is the best time to watch that group. One of these days, I'm getting a vid camera to film it.
It's funny, you always hear of the mom taking care of the babies, teaching them all they need to know. Those babies watch and learn from him.
He has a wading pool that he uses for his water. They all try so hard to get up the side, like him and sit on the edge. About 3 pm, go out there, and there's this ring of babies all snuggled up around it, trying so hard to hold on and look like a big guy.
Best Story EVER Thanks for sharing.

We do need this kinds of stories on the news reminds us of our own humanity to kinda makes you wanna use your signal light again......nah! what was I thinking........

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