a blind roo doing his job (pics)

im not so sure you'd learn alot from me lol,, ive only had chickens for 2 years,, and theres just something bout roo's that i understand,, aint sure what it is,, but i usually get along with all roo's,,,, after we "meet" lol

thats an awesome coop man,, better then what i have,, i started out with 3 birds last year,, and all of a sudden had a bunch fall in my lap ,, still trying to catch up lol.
i was set up for chicks,, then the person i was getting chicks from stopped,, soooo,, here i am,, but we're getting there.
and i think god knew the accident was a good thing for me,, i needed to know, that no matter what i would "provide" for my family,, thats why i went back to work ( i was a manager for the 2cnd largest Family Dollar distribution warehouse) 2 weeks after my accident,, then 6 months later had to quit. made me appreciate life more hehe

thankies for the kind words man
Thanks! I'm still getting used to the site, but will be trying to "follow" you around! lol
You have a great approach & understanding on roosters, we have a young one right now & I want to better understand his role & myn'.
your welcome, ive got a few threads on roos if you click on my thread thingy.this one was most special..

if you put your arrow next to my name on the arrow pointing down, a menu drops down. click on threads started or posts and it will take you to a page with all of the info. and i dont know bout knowledge, but i catch on to what they ( birds) try to teach me.
if you put your arrow next to my name on the arrow pointing down, a menu drops down. click on threads started or posts and it will take you to a page with all of the info. and i dont know bout knowledge, but i catch on to what they ( birds) try to teach me.
Sounds like you've got a great roo he sounds a lot like my doxie Fred he was a very good papa to his kittens, he raised a litter of 3 week old kittens he taught them to eat and drink and he cleaned them and they slept with him and you didn't mess with his kittens

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