A face only a mother could love?

I love her to death. I've only had her for 6 months. She is nothing like my wether that I raised from 1 day old. She was very shy and evasive so to say. Anyways she has gotten better. Since her kids left she is starting to realize I am the bearer of all good things. Wether it be food or scratches. She is not letting my approach her. That pic was from last night. I saw her standing at the fence so I went to see what she was up to. I looked over and asked her what she was doing and she slowly turned her head and gave me that look.
I think she's adorable! I think goats are awesome! My husband is new to the way I grew up (barn full of animals), he's just now getting use to my "giant" horse and my screaming driveway alarm ( guinea hens), I don't think he'd let me in the house if I brought home a goat.
I like a little extra condition on a goat, personally.. I was just talking to a buddy of mine the other day and mentioned one of our dairy does who's like a BCS 2 or 2.5 right now...she's super skinny. She gave birth to 23lbs of baby about 10 weeks ago, and is raising them naturally...at 8wks, the trio weighed a combined 106lbs. And she turns her nose up at grain.


We know that's why she's skinny, so it's not like it's a mystery or anything...I just don't like it at all.

So anyway, I mentioned to my buddy (a very experienced herdsman) that it worried me a lot for one to have ZERO reserve on it in case something bad happens.. His response was "Yep. If they're already skin and bone when they get sick, they've got nowhere to go but dead."

So...keep a little fat across those ribs.
Not OBESE, of course...but a nice SQ layer of fat across the ribs comes in handy if the going gets tough.

From the picture, I think your goats look great.

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