A Fast introduction


5 Years
Jul 31, 2014
Hello all,
Jim here.

I am looking to start raising my own chickens and selling them and their eggs. (not sure what to sell first, the chicken or the egg) I have never raised chickens before, so I hope I learn lots here. If not, I will be eating lots of chicken for dinner......

Any hoo, Glad I found this sight, and from what I have read so far, this will be a great resource.

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

This is the place to be for all the learning!

Good luck with your projects and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to the flock. If you sell the chickens first, you won't have any eggs - out of business in a flash

Do you intend to raise chicks? If so you would need a rooster to have fertile eggs, and either an incubator to hatch them or a broody hen to do it for you. Then you sell chicks

You would really need a lot of hens to provide dozens of eggs to sell- let's say, every week.

Please check out the Learning Center, and then move on to the Raising Backyard chickens, forum. If you still have questions come back and ask us. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Welcome to BYC, Jim! Glad you decided to join our flock. If you intend to make money selling eggs you need hens that are egg laying machines such as White Leghorns (if you want white eggs) or Sex Link hens (if you want brown eggs). There's a reason these are the kind of hens used by the laying houses. I have raised Black Sex Links for years and get 6 (occassionally 7) eggs per week per hen. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! Good luck with your new venture!

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