A few midget white turkey questions,


10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
Toms River, New Jersey
hello everyone, im been trying to find some care info on midget white turkies but im not finding anything.i need to know how big of a pen a pair or trio would need, and what kind of feed is best for them. also feel free to post pics of your pens and birds here
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I would also be interested in this information since i will be getting some midget whites this april. I'd really like to see some pics of them in comparison to other turkeys or chickens to get a good idea of their size and the type of enclosure they need.
We have not done Midget Whites before, but will this year, They take about the same space as any other turkey. But since they are smaller and lighter they will fly further and higher. As a comparison, now our Spanish black females can fly up to the Chicken coop roof which is about 10 feet. They then fly to another building about 30 of 40 foot away.

As far as being any louder don't yet, I suspect they won't be. Generally it depends on the individual tom's as far as how loud they are.

The protein is the same as any other turkey.

I guess "how loud" tom turkeys are is a relative question. In our area we're all on 10 acre parcels so noise is not a problem. My friends and neighbors often "talk" to my toms to get them to gobble. During the spring and early fall we had 14 toms and 4 hens; the toms will gobble at any loud noise, sometimes even the roosters crowing will set them off. For the most part they're pretty quiet.

I fed the poults I hatched in April and June the highest protein non-medicated turkey starter I could find, which around here is about 27%. After several weeks I switched them to a 22% grower, which they're still on. When all of my hens start laying I'll switch them to a layer pellet. I also feed my turks an organic grain combination that I soak in water for a couple of days before feeding. While we're not an organic farm, we do strive to raise our birds without supplements, hormones, antibiotics, etc.

My Bourbon Red and Midget White hens can, and do, fly out of their pen every day. They never venture far from the coops/pens as they know where the feed and their toms are. I have 13 turkey eggs in my 'bator due to hatch this coming Saturday. At the last candling all 13 had good development and movement... keeping my fingers crossed for a good hatch

I have two 8' x 8' coops, one with 6 birds the other with 5. Those numbers will be reduced before breeding season starts. I'm planning on keeping just breeding trios, but might keep an extra BR and MW tom, just in case I need a "spare". Good luck with your turkeys... I've found my MW's to be curious and very mild mannered.
We have had MW turkeys for many years along with several other vartities. The MW are very nice tasting table birds, lay a huge egg for their size, make great sitters and mothers. They won the taste test for the ALBC a couple of years ago up against several others. We feed our breeders a 20% custom feed that we get at a local feed mill. Along with collards, apples, and other greens out of the garden. They are like big pets and will come running when they see us with the "goodie" bucket. The poults are raised just like any other turkey poults nothing special between varities of turkeys. As far as the pen size, I would give them as much space as you can. The hens are small and can fly very well.
Here is a picture of some of ours:



Everyone loves a turkey!

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Ours love to roost outside, but they do not like to go into a building. If you want them to go into the building, then you have to train them by putting them in the building every night. It is a long and tedious job. They will still be able to fly over a 7 to 8 foot fence until they start putting some weight on them specially the hens. Wing clipping will take care of that though.

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