A few questions..


12 Years
Aug 14, 2007
My silkie roo had to go, leaving my 2 frizzled polish and 1 silkie hen by themselves. They have been doing ok, and coninue to lay.

Question 1. I am pretty sure my silkie is laying eggs, when do they usually start to sit? This is her first year laying. She was born in Aug. 07

Question 2. Do your frizzled polish hens SCREAM?? I think it is more so now that the roo is gone. But dang they are loud and annoying!! Lol I mean they sound like seagulls out there.

Thanks guys!
He has only been gone since sat. so I asked around the board here and eveyrone said her eggs would be fertile for about 2 weeks, and with her eggs and the polish, I figured there would be quite a few when she did decide to sit.

If not I have hen that is about to sit at a friends house I could use, but I would like my own hen to hatch out some babies too!!
She would be such a cute mom!

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