a good price for pullets?


11 Years
May 12, 2008
i found a guy that lives reasonably close to me, and i can not wait until novemeber before my girls start to lay, so i am wondering... he wants $9 a piece for pullets, he said they are almost old enough to start laying. they are black sexlinks, and barred rock. he also may have some ee's and marans, but thats a different story. i want to see his birds first of course, but does that sound like a reasonable price for birds who havent started laying yet?
The few that I recently purchased a few months ago were 4 months old. I got them for $5.00 ea. Point of lay he was charging $8-10 ea.
This is the cheapest I have seen them. Usually prices for point of lay around here are @ $25.00 with 1-3 month olds going for @$10.00. Welcome to Western Washington. Outrages prices seem to be the norm.

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