A Hawk Is Killing Our Chickens. What should I do?

LOL, read just above where a poster not only did that but inferred it was "our fault" for raising chickens in hawk territory. I've only lost two prize pullets this year to them before doing everything in my power to make it never happen again (and I "thought" I had them pretty safe already) btw one hawk killed them both right in front of me. Frankly having read the above & having you state "misinformation" is insulting & not at all called for.
HOW exactly do YOU read this quote????????

As you know as well as I do, once they start on your flock (and MANY if not most keep far fewer than we do) they WILL kill them all before moving on- period. To infer it is "our fault" for daring to raise chickens where hawks may show up is insulting at best and antagonizing at worst. (IMO at least) Hawks are not natural chicken predators , they see an easy meal and get spoiled, their natural prey is abundant in most of the USA and as I stated most hawks are content to hunt what they're supposed to hunt. I take offense at the "it's your fault" (for raising livestock) as IF the hawks would not exist if not for us, of course they would (and do) survive without taking out entire flocks (which is easy with smaller flocks e.g. 5-6 birds)

Merry Christmas nevertheless!
That is disinformation.
You can keep stating something over & over, it doesn't make it true and an this case in particular it is simply FALSE.......there are countless threads on here where small flocks have been wiped out by predators; you're calling "misinformation" IS disinformation.......

Have a good day I'm not going to continue in something so obviously futile
It is not Just the Hawks, what about coyotes, dogs, snakes (large in some areas), weasels of all species, cats (domestic and wild) ...... The point is, None of these creatures 'hunted for chicken before" but hey if you are going to give them a free meal then hey, it's fair game to them. Food is food when you are a wild animal trying to survive.
We took their land - because they WERE here first. WE introduced chickens, therefore it has turned into something they Will eat...................

The chickens are in your care, it is your responsibility to protect them. Same with Cats, if you let them run around lose, they may just disappear and really you are the only one to blame....some disappear by hawk, coyote, car and occasionally by humans who are usually tired of them killing their chickens/bunnies/ etc.
So for those that have say, under 20 and they are more Pets then Money making livestock... Secure them, you can't kill everything that is going to harm your chickens.

End of point is that Hawks ARE protected . If you want to do the 3 S's in your back woods country, that is Your business and Law's for your state.
A good electric fence is usually plenty for the 'coons, 'yotes etc. etc. etc. , even a covered run is not always enough for hawks........ the point IS you do all you can do and they still persist (against their nature) to target folk's backyard (often quite small flocks) . NO it's not "their fault" this happens, the protecting of certain BOP despite them being overly aggressive and doing tens of thousands in damage to livestock IS the real problem. The time for "unlimited protection" (which is really not accurate as it IS possible to get kill permits in very limited circumstances) is over (or should be) .

BTW please show where I even "hinted" to "SSS" , I did the opposite in fact and clearly stated I'm not advocating any illegal activity or tactics, then posted some legal alternatives that actually work in placing the natural fear of man back into wild BOP. This is nothing new to me, we have raised large flocks for well over 3-4 decades and now have > 60 chickens currently.


Also (as you pointed out) the BOP - Are protected; ironically the other predators we deal with are NOT protected, we can shoot them, trap them - dispose of the problem critters-- unlike the BOP issue . You can "secure them" very well and still persistent BOP will upset them try to kill & eat them. Unlike some (including you it seems) I feel bad for those losing most or all their small flocks to these hawks, thus I pointed out it doesn't have to be that way there are legal methods to educate them we are not running an all you can eat free chicken buffet .
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Check these out...


I haven't used them. I've seen them used at several wineries to protect their valuable crop.

Things I've read about them:

They scare all birds - last time I checked though...my chickens are birds.

They worked for hawks but have to be moved every couple days or the hawks get wise.

They're about 8 bucks a pop at places I've seen. Here at amazon is a quantity discount for 3 ea..

good luck

Edit: something I didn't mention is the "alternatives" you'll see at amazon and maybe lead you to some other ideas.
The reviews on Amazon says it doesn't work on hawks. :-(
the point IS you do all you can do and they still persist (against their nature) to target folk's backyard (often quite small flocks)

You keep stating that it's against a hawk's nature to kill chickens, but that's not really true. Hawks will target ANY bird that they believe they can overpower, and unfortunately that includes most chickens.
It IS actually/factually true, hawks were around a long time before chickens were domesticated, pray tell HOW did they manage that IF chickens were their natural/main diet??????????

Context always matters IOW

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