A List Of Things To Have For Chicks (Great for first time chicken owners)

Glad the chicks are growing fast for you!


I know nothing about the EcoGlow but it is good to know there is an alternative to the heat lamps
I think I will get one next year. This flock, and the current temps, are right on with the drop down temp schedule. They have NO desire for a light or heat, well they like the sunny spots in the brooder box, but that's normal chicken behavior.

I got the second coat of paint on in the coop yesterday and this morning it is all dry!!! So I can start putting up the hangers for the feeder and water container. Gonna wait and let it air out well before adding bedding and then the chicks...they will have the morning sun for half day, then afternoon sun for afternoon, as I placed the two windows in the right places for the sun, for winter time. Kept the back, west wall solid though!!! We put up double walls and double floors too. Am going to add some OSB board to back of coop on the bottom to prevent the wind from blowing up under also and wire the rest. It is at a slant so I won't be able to get under there, all the way, to get at a chicken, if needed. best to just keep them out from under. They will have plenty of trees and sunny spots in their run, once that is built.

Going out today to see if I can dig down for wire, or will need to put cement around the run.

Gosh, they really need to be in their coop, they are cooped up in their brooder...lol...that was supposed to be a funny!

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