A Lone Chicken


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2016
Arlington VERMONT
Sadly I lost all of my small backyard flock (6) young girls (1 year old) to what I am assuming was a fox. They left behind a couple of small piles of feathers and 1 scared chicken. It has only been about a week.. (I'm getting a few pullets for her in a couple of weeks).
She was doing fine...out of the run in the afternoon...with total supervision!!! and she would go back in the evenings. Now she is hanging out in the coop/nesting box. Had she turned broody?? or just freaked out still? I'm out of town for the next couple of weeks and I have a chicken sitter, that is less experienced than I am. Any suggestions? I will try and break her broodiness (if that's what it is) for the next few days. I'll take any and all helpful hints...do lone chickens like mirrors like other birds? dumb questions...I have a bunch of em.
Is she exhibiting broody behaviors like screeching and puffing up? My guess would be on stress. Is it possible that she got injured in the ruckus and perhaps it hurts to roost. Birds in pain or who are scared will often start sleeping in the nestboxes. You can try a mirror and see if it helps, she must be a bit traumatized.
She is definitely screeching and puffing up....even pecked me and the dog trying to coax her out of the nesting box. Today I can't get her to budge...with out her throwing a total hissy fit. Should I make her get out....she has no food or water in the coup...I was hoping she would get hungry.
Sounds like she is broody. She will get up to eat and drink but not every often maybe just a couple times a day. You can place feed and water in the coop if you want. At this point any thing to keep her comfortable would be fine under the circumstances.
Thank you....I will keep a close eye on her and make sure she's as happy as can be...
I originally had two hens, after one died I ended up with my remaining hen acting like you describe. I could only say that she seemed depressed! She had previously been free range so I started locking her out of the nesting box after she had laid, she got more attached to us and to our dog (they are now best of friends) and eventually started seeming happier. She now has two 10 week olds in with her.
If she's broody and you have no plans to use her to hatch than it's best to break her. Blocking the nestboxes will work well in your situation. Otherwise her hatching eggs could be a perfect way for you to add to your flock providing you can deal with roosters and butchering or rehoming them.
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