A new Hobby Soap making Love it

I use lavender eo only (the fo give me headache no matter the supplier) and I have a bar in my personal stash from last year that still has a scent. I use it at .7 oz ppo.

Where did you get your eo? Could it not be pure?

I have never had any scent from the buds, but you could try it too.
Beautiful soap glenolam-love the kid goat soap...i need to buy that mold!
Hello Soapers!

I just wanted to let you know that I have not made any yet, but I still am working on it. My husband was laid off and so it has been put on the back burner.
Just had a thought, what was your % of castor that you used? (if you used it)
I know castor can eat the fragrance if you use it in high %'s.
Ok got a question?
I am using the soap that i got from the lovely Morgaine
But and here is my question I love it but it seems to make my face oily
is there a certain recipe for a facial bar? Haven't tried it on my hair yet!!
Hmmm. Do you have oily skin usually? I do formulate for dry skin so it could be more moisturing than you need. Maybe try washing twice to remove more oil.
Ah, the fruity oaty is one I reccomend for Dry skin, so it maybe too moisturizing for you. If you make soap for yourself and you have oily skin, kaolin clay, charcole or dead sea mud are good for oily skin. Pink clay is more gentle but still good for drawing out the oil. I find the citrus like lemongrass a little more drying too. I also superfat higher (8%) so you could take that down to the standard 5%.
Darn it, now I MUST make some oatmeal soap with all the lovely bars I see. I am also planning to build a wooden mold and bar slicer. I have some tuning pins left over from when I made door harps and some old banjo strings to make the cutting wires. Must clean up the shop and get to it!
Glenolam, I love the size of your soap loafs. Did you buy or make your molds? I would love to have one that size. Love the kid goat mold also. I haven't seen a slab mold like it before. Beautiful.
I have been way to busy. In the middle of it I managed to make a batch of chamomille and hope to make another batch of soap today. My children who live in Oregon are coming for a week next month and I need to have a good bit made up to send home with them. I dont sell soap but mine goes pretty fast now that my family thinks they can't use store bought soap any longer. It has also become a much desired gift for all occasions.

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