A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Thank you so much

I been to almost all the bigger soap forums, and most are if your not in the click, you will get treated badly.. I wont mention them here.. but this one here is the best so far... if you need help with MP..CP..HP.. re batched/milled just ask.. i been soaping for over 40 years.. i started a wee lass in scotland with my grandmother.. We used to make our own lye too from burnt wood, you take the ashes and soak them in water .. talk about all natural lol.. I just got my buckets so i will be starting this at the end of the month, using rain water and ashes.. will keep ya posted.. lol..


..........Butter cream frosting

.. English roses

...coconut and lime

.. rain

... Twilight woods

... egg nog

.. chocolate tort

.. coconut cream

... popcorn

.. clean air

.. apple cinnamon

.. sea side
.. this is sea side.. i posted a chocolate tort for sea side.. lol..

.. candy corn cubes

.. Absinthe soap

.. under your spell


.. chocolate ice cream soap
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Thanks chickmchickie! I will keep that in mind in my search. Are you really from scotland! I always find it fascinating how people from somewhere else get to where they are! And 40 yrs of making soap! you should write a book! What great memories you must have with your grandmother. ANd please do keep us posted on how the lye making goes. My BIL said he wanted to try to make some. We burn wood, so there is no lack of materials! Your tarts look lovely. I wish we could sniff!!! How and where did you learn to make the cupcakes and icecream cones, if you don't mind telling. If you do, I understand!
I would love to know how you do the chai soap. I love that look! I've been searching on Camden-Grey site to learn about the diff clays and oil and their properties. Very interesting. Taking notes! Whew! I'm trying to keep my time on the computer limited, but not doing a very good at it!
Seems like I have spent most of the summer on here!
BTW, my sincere sympathies to you on the loss of your DD.

ANd Sooner, I will keep on searching! Thank you!
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Believe it or not, I'M STILL RESEARCHING!!!
(I really have to get off here!!!) But in my research on Camden-grey, I was reading the properties of their avacado oil. I have avacado oil that I purchased from columbus foods. It is a cosmetic grade. My question is, does this type of AO have the same properties as food grade AO. I looked back on the sc site and it doesn't give any description of the product. I will go ahead and use the cos grade of course, but just wondering if anyone uses this grade? I really want the health benefits of the Avacodo.
I really wanted to make soap today, but now I've been on here so long, I won't have time!!!
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Thanks chickmchickie! I will keep that in mind in my search. Are you really from scotland! I always find it fascinating how people from somewhere else get to where they are! And 40 yrs of making soap! you should write a book! What great memories you must have with your grandmother. ANd please do keep us posted on how the lye making goes. My BIL said he wanted to try to make some. We burn wood, so there is no lack of materials! Your tarts look lovely. I wish we could sniff!!! How and where did you learn to make the cupcakes and icecream cones, if you don't mind telling. If you do, I understand!
I would love to know how you do the chai soap. I love that look! I've been searching on Camden-Grey site to learn about the diff clays and oil and their properties. Very interesting. Taking notes! Whew! I'm trying to keep my time on the computer limited, but not doing a very good at it!
Seems like I have spent most of the summer on here!
BTW, my sincere sympathies to you on the loss of your DD.

ANd Sooner, I will keep on searching! Thank you!

The chai is re batched i just made layers of the colours i wanted.. and just pour then on top.. I also make my own glycerin soap from scratch too but when layering with glycerin you need to spray alcohol between layers
I was born in Germany. army brat.. my family are from Scotland, the Isle of Skye, my family owns Dunvegan Castle, so i go back and forth a few times a year.. Our castle just got a new tin roof, and the windows and other things are being remodeled so i been here most of the year.. I have duel citz. I am in Ely mn.. Where i also call my home.. if you want to see my home in Scotland, just goggle macleod castle or dunvegan castle.. or even my last name .. you can goggle my name too.
I ma 50 years old, i was 8 when i started i think but i always say 10 to make sure hahaha.. English is my 4th lang.. German is my first then Icelandic, we moved from Germany to Iceland, then Gaelic and then English.. but we always made our own soaps.. lotions.. and everything we needed.. I dont use lard now like in the old days.. people stil make them i just dont like using it..
I love making tarts/melts they smell up my whole house, not just one room.. i triple scent them cause they are melted and not use for skin so you can add more scent for a bigger scent throw..

Some cupcakes are CP.. and pipped on frosting, and some are glycerin ever a mold or pipped on as well

Thank you about my daughter, she fought since she was 2.. and couldn't fight anymore and passed away 17 1/2 years later. she was 20 when she passed away in march

I love this place.. altho being newer, many dont reply to my posts, or help me with things.. but i think maybe i ask stupid questions..lol. i am sure in time when will come around once they get used to me and my ramblings lol..

have a great weekend.. and than you so very much
I just scored a bunch of stuff on craigslist for soapmaking:

2+ gallons of palm oil
2 pound soap mold
6-8 smaller soap molds
two books
avocado oil
sweet almond oil
cocoa butter
caster oil
shea butter
macadamian nut butter
vitamin e
sample sizes of lots of fragrance oils
3 8 oz size bottle of FO
several 1 oz bottles of EO
some color stuff
some botanicals
and a few other things

All for $50. I'm thinking I scored big, and I didn't have to pay for shipping! I'm pretty excited!
I love those pictures! What a great idea. I also makes candles/melts/smelly jellies and I am always looking for cute ways to make them more attractive looking. Great idea! What kind of wax do you use? I only have soy, so mine are much softer than they need to be, but I am going to add some bees wax and stearic acid to them and see if that helps increase the melting point.

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