A new Hobby Soap making Love it

I would love to talk soap. I have ask around for some help, but haven't really gotten any yet
I'm scared to use the lye. I have melt and pour, but it's hard to use and it's messy. Pour too early and my beads sink to the bottom, but pour too late and it will not pour good at all. I suck at soap!

Yes, the no frosting means exactly that. The wax doesn't turn a whitish color after it has dried back up.
go to brambleberry.com and look at their bases.. they have re batched they sell that is already grated.. its cp soap, you melt down in a double pan with wee bit of water you can add oils too but remember when you add to much oils it doesn't suzs up as much.. and you dont have to do the lye.. but lye is no biggie once you try it , you will keep going with cp soap.. its so much fun.. but if you want the cp soap which lasts a lot longer them MP, go with it re batched..
I was looking at all of different shapes. I really like the ones that are square but on one end they look all jagged. If that makes sense. I like the different colored ones too. You pour those once one color dries right?

Going to check out that soap now. Thank you
LOVE your story, chickmchickie! I'm serious, you should write a book about your experiences. You are well traveled, have a great heritage, the memories with your grandmother and growing up being self-sufficient, soaping and candlemaking! I love stories like that. You really own a castle! How exciting! I bet that's a story in itself! I will google it! And thank you for all the great info on the grades of oils. It really helps to know what others are using. I want to make a quality product, even if it is just for myself and friends. I really appreciate your sharing. I hope you are feeling more welcome here. Sometimes ya get answers and sometimes ya don't!
But in the 3 yrs I've been on here, I may have had only 1 what I interpreted as a negative or rude comment. I've posted ?'s and not gotten any answers, but the majority of the time someone has answered and everyone is nice, even when disagreeing!
Was your DD ill? if you don't mind me asking. If you don't want to talk about it, I will understand. You just stated she fought since she was 2 and I just wondered what from. I have a DIL that has CF and kinda thought maybe that is what your DD had. YOu don't have to answer if you don't want too, or want everyone else to know.

and to mom'sfolly!
Even if the oils turn out to be old, the molds, book, colorants and other stuff is probably worth it! Congrats!

Elite Silkies, I'm sorry you haven't gotten any help! I've notice not alot of the soapers have been on much this summer. Have you checked out the Soapmakers Help!! thread. It is almost 500 pages of just soap. I started there in may. Took me about 2-3 wks to read thru! I took notes and the page #'s. That is where I started to make soap. I've only made 4 batches so far. But from that thread is where I learned what little I know. But that thread hasn't had much posting this summer. But I do recommend reading it. When I started, they were a big help to me. Morgaine, a soaper, has put a reference thread on page 1 I believe with all the sites with info on soaping. Just reading their "chat" really helped me. ANd I believe anyone with 40 years of soaping under her belt, is a wealth of knowledge! Right chickmchickie!!!
I will try to help, but I'm just learning too! I just jumped in and did it. The lye is no problem at all! I wear the protective gear, Apron, goggles, and long rubber gloves, and when I mix my lye into the liquid, I use a deep plastic pitcher (2 qt). I haven't so far
had any accidents or spills. I do try to keep focused and careful. I use goatsmilk and I freeze it to keep temps down. I haven't ran in to any problem at all. I'm just careful where I mix and set it. I don't have any pets or children in the house, so I don't have to worry about that. If you do, I would recommend that you not let them in your kitchen when making your soap. Lot's of possible accidents can occur. I cover my work suface with newspaper. I've had a little problem with static that makes the cystals hop around, but I read if you use a dryer sheet on the container and around, (I even use this on my 2 qt pitcher) and it really helps alot with that problem. Well, it's getting late and church tomorrow! Every one have a good nite and a great Lord's day!
Dshappy chicks

Yes my daughter got cancer when she was 2 years old, and fought very hard for 17 1/2 years till she couldnt any more...

Yes my family's castle is Dunvegan, I am John Macleod of Macleods daughter Tami Macleod.

I have or will have a book coming out all about soaping.. and one about Vampires hahahah.. yeah i know. but its a great story

When i was wee one, i didn't like moving every 2 years my step father was in the army and back then depending on the MOS some moved every 2 years and that was us.. so i got to see so much of of the world but it was hard on me and i wasn't thank ful at all to move and see the world at that time.. i am so thankful today i have done that cause so many dont even leave the state they live in.. i am thankful for sure.. i am also very thankful to my proof reading hahahahah since my grammar isn't all that good.
I have had a pretty bad day, and I must say that I haven't read all the post, but I can see I must go back and read about your daughter. Boy, the tears are already there
I am so very sorry for your loss. It breaks my heart when someone loses a child. My daughter is being tested for Neurofibromitosis, and I thought for the last 10 years that I wanted to know, but I am having a hard time. Not so sure I want to now. There is no cure, and I am scared.
Will you change how you act towards your daughter if you knew? They hate that special treatment.. if you know then she will know?

I will tell you that its mind over matter.. when heather got sick at 2 she didn't know any better, she didn't under stand that she will die.. and cause of her not knowing she kept fighting.. when someone tell you that you have something that you will die from, you will give up at times give in and you will die...

They gave heather 6 months to live aug 20th 1993.. and she lived to march 24th 11.. cause she didn't know, understand and ust went on with life.. the docs said that she why she just kept going...

the last 8 years she was full bed.. she was 38 pounds 44 inches tall.. she didn't grow much cause of the radiation to her head and full spine.. and full hand fed and case.. i miss her so much, but shes not in pain anymore. She wasn't able to speak or hear the last 8 years...so ir was hard to how if she was in pain.. She got phenomena in jan.. we thought we was ok but then again in march she got sick again.. took her in the ER, cause she showed no signs before that day.. 20 mins after she got in the er her heart stopped and they gave her CPR.. her phenomena spread to her liver and it was so infected that there was no coming back this time.. she passed away the next morning at 7 58 am.. it went so fast. There is so much more to the story for another time.. but here is heather rose at 4 am that morning she passed away..

what i wanted to say was. if there is no cure. why know? live life ...

Heather Rose
Heather's picture really hit me hard, felt like a dagger right in my heart. Whew! I am an emotional person and I am devastated right now, as I try to realize how much pain this has embedded in your heart and in your life. I can't even imagine though. I pray that God has given you some sort a peace.

I had to go take a shower, and recollect myself. I'm going to College to become a Nurse, and have heavily considered specializing in pediatric, but to be honest, I don't know that I can do it, my emotions are so sensitive.

Will I change how I act towards her? I am afraid I will and out of the 3 still at home, she is most disobeying one. I am going to force myself to keep treating her the same as I always have because I have always known that more than likely she does have it. Will she know? Honestly, I don't think I will tell her. I don't want to change the way she looks at life, cause her pain and unhappiness. I want her to stay who she is inside. I think that I can continue to treat her the same way because I have known since she was 6 months old that it is highly possible that she has this disease. I know in my heart she does because she has so many of the symptoms. She has just recently had an MRI and Cat Scan due to daily headaches. She does not have any tumors on her brain, so that is a very good thing. She does know that she had the test to see if she had tumors. I told her they were looking for birthmarks on her brain, but she told me they were actually looking for tumors. By the time she was 6 months old she had in excess of 30 cafe a' lait spots (birthmarks). I couldn't hardly function for several days, the pain in my heart felt unbearable, but as I done more and more research, I just set my mind on the hope that she has Type 1 and not Type 2. Neither are good, but 1 is far better than 2. My SIL has type 2 and they said she is on the downhill slide of the disease. She is 44 yrs. old, she has actually done rather well with the disease. It really just depends on how fast it progresses, but of course that is with any disease and no one person is ever effected the exact same way.

Why I am having her tested? She was suppose to have surgery on her teeth this Friday. I took her to her Dr. to get her physical and release for the surgery. She denied the release because she feels that if my daughter does have this, then the operating Dr. needs to be aware in case it causes complications during surgery. Also, if she has it, then that could warrant the attendance of a Specialist in the operating room with the Dentist.
I am here for you , how old is your daughter? I am RN i stopped working when heather got worst to care for her.. I just think sometimes its better to not say anything to a child, they worry about enough let alone these type of things, but at some point you will have to tell her.. if she finds out on her own she might be mad at you for keeping that from her, but i rather have her mad then worry each and everyday about this.. I ma here for you any time just message me, i can even give you my number to call if you need to talk.. thank you for letting me share heather with you.. keep me posted on how things go.. please

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