A new Hobby Soap making Love it


.. someone in message asked me to post my molds for my soap pops.. i cant find any but i did find this one hope it helps some , they are just normal freezer pop molds



Thank you for sharing Heather with me. I'm here for you too, anytime! My lines are always open if you just need someone to call and talk to. I'll pm you my number. As soon as I find out, I will let you know the results. Sometimes, I wonder why I picked this major as emotional as I am, but I know in my heart why. I like to help people, and I have compassion and I think to be a good Nurse you have to have compassion. I think that if the day comes that things do not bother you, is the day that you no longer need to be a nurse.

She is 10 yrs. She was 3 lbs 6.5 oz and had to be bagged at birth. Spent 2 weeks in NICU. They didn't think she was going to make it. They sent her sister home close to the 2 week mark, and she still wasn't able to hold food down, not even with a feeding tube. She didn't even know how to suck a bottle. 2 days after her sister left, she started sucking a bottle and keeping the food down. We were all amazed.

I will not let her find out on her own, I wouldn't want that if I were in her shoes.
I too am so sorry for your loss chickmchick. My DIL has cysitic fibrosis. She is doing ok now, but her brother had it also and passed away at 18. That was 4-5 yrs ago. She is 30, which is a long time for cf patients. It's always there in the back of your mind. She has a lung infection right now. She needs to be in the hospital, but they have 2 children, 5 & 8 so she wants to wait till they start school in about 10 days. Everytime she gets an infection, you think will she bounce back this time. It is very scary, but she lives her life. Cf has never controled her, she controls it. She has to be very sick to give in to it.
I love the way you design your soaps! Can't wait for your soap book! Let us know when it is available, and I will buy one!

Elite Silkies, I will be praying for you and your DD this week.
It is a scary place to be in, I'm sure. I can only imagine what I would feel like in this situation. Draw strength from the Lord and sharing with chickmchick will help you get through. You are probably stronger than you think.
Where do you all buy your clays? I would like the best quality for the best price, of course.
I mean, don't we all!
I haven't ventured into the clays yet, but not really sure what to look for. What makes a good quality clay? I'm looking to use them as colorant and also for what benefits they will ad to my soaps. I've only researched camden-grey's site so far, so from what I've read on that site, I know pretty much what their clays do, but are they the best.
I use mica or natural colouring..i only use clays in my make up collection i make, or in my mens shaving soaps but the make up is the foundations and eye shadows, and the shaving soap i use clays for the slip over the skin and softening of the hairs...
chickmchickie, getting ready for fall and winter, I see! love cranberry, bayberry and hollyberry scents! Yumm

goldenpuppy, thank you for the info! will check them out!

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