A new Hobby Soap making Love it

Hi all!!! Haven't been all in a while. Just haven't had time to soap, but now I'm in full force!! The reason is my mom has opened a little knick-knack/gift shop and and wants to carry my soaps, soooo... I ordered a new mold WAAAAAAYYYY back in like april from a guy on etsy. It looked awesome. Well I wanted to not make any soaps for the store until I had this new mold so all my bars would be uniform, but here I sit stil;l waiting on this mold after multiple promises that its on the way. Yeah right!! The checks in the mail!!! So I ordered a mold from another guy Mr. Do Right on Etsy. Its not the slab mold I had originally ordered but its two loafs (3lbs each) and a cutter (which also could be lined and used as a 3 loaf) for about the same price I was going to pay for the other one slab. Its made of that plastic HDPE stuff and WOOOOWWWWEEEEE I love this mold. I just put a sheet of freezer paper downone side bottom and up the other side and these loves just come right off 24 hours later. I used the cutter blade to scrape the 2 end pieces of the mold off of the loaf and voila!! Ready to cut. He has a slab I want to buy next. So got these new molds last week and I'm back in business!! Decided to do all goats' milk soaps and had stocked up on that.......So far Thursday night I made a loaf of Coconut Lime Verbena, Then Friday night I made a loaf of Amber Romance and a loaf of Spearamint Eucalyptus. And finally Saturday night (thru several screw ups due to a scale who's battery was dying but I didn't know until too late) I made a loaf of Black Raspberry Vanilla, a loaf of Japanese Cherry Blossum, and a small 2lb batch of a Jo Malone nectarine blossum and honey (highly recommend). Well the Japanese Cherry seized, I could tell as I was adding the fragrance that it was clumping as the fragrance hit the soap, but I was able to squish it in the mold. Hoping I was going to be able to salvage it and just have interesting looking soap, I hope for the best. Didn't happen!!! Within about 20-30 min oils had started separating and sitting on top of the loaf, so that will be a rebatch for another day! Then Sunday night I went shopping!!!! Bought FOs......... Vanilla, Gardenia (yuk, but people like it), Sensual Sandalwood, Energy, Lavendar and Herb, Orange Ginger, and 2nd bottle of Oatmeal Milk and Honey, oh and a bottle of Dirt. By the weekend I'll be back in business. Also ordered the muslin bags that I'll package the soaps in and today I'm going to mom's so we can design the label (cigar band type) that I'll put on the soaps. So that catches me up to now. Whew!! Gotta get some pics huh??
Was it a TOG mold?

Hope the Do Right molds hold up for you. I LOVE my silicone molds. No lining and they come out smooth as glass!

I am making a big batch of lotion bars that I seperate and scent. I need to make some more lip balms too. Got a big show this weekend so I restocking the lotion bars, balms and scrubs this week!
Well, I won't say that it wasn't. LOL!!

Wow youre going to be busy!! So far I really like the mold, cleans easy and all. I'd love silicone of course but guess hubby can't make one of them. Yeah hopefully it'll hold up. Have you heard they dont?

Mom and I worked on a label today it is a back ground of a blue toile with a white circle in the middle front with a cute goat and the front text. Hopefully they'll turn out nice.....
Some how I just new who it was, lol. Did you get your money back?

I have heard mixed reviews on the Do Right molds. But that was 2 years ago when I was looking so I don't have any current info.

I had to get some new shipping boxes so I will get your fo shipped in the morning
No not yet but just asked for refund last week. I haven't heard back of course!! It's a shame because they are beautiful molds and reviews from people who did get their product loved them.

Mr Do Right reviews I read were great so we'll see. No prob on the FO, just whenever
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My first attempt at rebatch...... FAIL!!! EPIC FAIL!!!

What started as a lovley creamy colored soap with brick red oxide swirls turned into.......




GROSS!!! And the scent isn't even good. I normally like Japanese Cherry Blossom and ootb this was ok, but now ew. I hated to waste all the oils used to make this batch. We'll see......
Yeah I decided I'd keep it around for something. Does the scent come out much when you do that? Do you use it just on top or through the soap or either or. I'd just hate to use it and then it mess up the scent I was trying to achieve. I guess in a floral it would probably just blend.....
I always scent the base batch and don't count on the shaving to add much scent. I am not a big fan of contetti on top, it always breaks on me. I like to use itmixed with your base soap, just know that if you use a lot of confetti it will change your bar size.

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