A New Life ~RP~


7 Years
Dec 26, 2012
"Isn't your life wonderful? What do you mean no? Shouldn't it be perfect, I mean your rich, your spoiled to the bone, yes I know you have many many rules, well I haven't thought of thay either I mean you don't have any friends? You have to be exaggerating at least a little. See I told you, you have some friends. Yes they may be brats but aren't you one too? Don't get to defensive! I mean you do get everything you want and let's face it you do act like a snob at times...well anyways I'll be getting out of your hair and let you get back to your parents. Oh wait I need to tell you a secret. Come closer I don't want anyone else to hear. Ok now listen carefully cause I'm only saying this once. If you want a little get away from your life for a while feel like a normal kid, come meet me back here at midnight and I'll lead you to a place where you'll live temporarily until you want to leave. Ok now scuttle along and go find your parents and think this over now, see you later." -Hillary Clayton Your a rich child, who gets everything you want. But there are some downers like how you barely know anyone around your age and the ones you do are stuck up snobs, even though your one too but you take no notice. ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ "I know but I mean it's horrible how you don't get to go out and have fun like other children, but you need to make money to help support your family. Yes I know it's not that bad but still you should be able to go out with friends instead of having to work like your already and adult it just ruins your childhood. Yes I know it helps cause it reaches you a lesson on being humble and learing how to work for what you want. But isn't horrible how all the other kids have good new clothes and all you have is raggedy hand-me-downs? See and you never had any toys as a child all you had is what your mother or father could make. Well anyways I came here to tell you something. I would like you to know there's a great place where you can go and you can live a normal life. Yes you still can get a job, all the jobs there are well paying and we can semd the money home to your parents, if your interested come meet me here at midnight. Well think it over and I hope to see you tonight." -James Moriarty Your a poor child, who doesn't get much. You have lots of friends but you don't get much of a chance to do much of anything but work instead of spend time with them. It sometimes gets very stressful with work and how your parents are barely around cause they have work along your an only child but that helps some ways. ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~``~`~`~` You decide to go even thought you don't tell your parents cause you know they won't approve. "Isn't it wonderful! You came! We were so worried you wouldn't come! Now come on we need to hurry cause I'm suspecting you didn't tell your overprotective parents. Now did you? Well it doesn't matter either way your here now. Ah! I see you brought along your bag that's great, now hurry onto the bus there'll be otgers on there so just find and open seat and we'll be going!" -Hillary and James ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Plot; Your on your way to who knows where. Once you think you shouldn't of done this these are two complete strangers who you don't know and your going to a unknown place with. Well at least your not alone, but for someone reason when you think back between the time of when they talked to you to now but for some unknown reason you can't remember its all a big blurr. Should you be worried? Probably not. But there's something wrong, you can feel it in the pit of your stomach but you don't want to voice your opinion cause everyone else seems fine so you stay silent..... ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Rules; All BYC rules apply No cussing but you may sensor it like; d*** No god modding No controling other people's characters No fighting with other players You may have pets but nothing to extravagant and the most pets per person is 3 Please put apple in the other category to show you have read the rules Fights are aloud but only one blow per post You can dodge every 3/5 attacks If you break any of these rules more then three times I will have to ask you to leave ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Human Forum; Name: Age: Gender: Personality:(Not optional) History:(Optional but is prefered.) Crush:(Optional) Girl/Boyfriend:(Optional) Picture/Description:(Picture preferred) Pet:(Optional) Other: Username: (Please note that not all pets will be accepted) Pet Form; Name: Species:(Not optional) Breed:(Not optional) Personality:(Not optional) Picture/Description:(Picture prefered) Owner: Other: Username: ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Accepted Characters;
[COLOR=333333]Name: Nicole (Nikki) Age: 16? Gender: Female.... Personality: Comes off snobby but is quiet sweet if you stick around long enough to find out. (I'll add more latter?) History: Can I TBR? You know how I am.... o.o Crush: There's no one to have a crush on yet.... Girl/Boyfriend: Picture/Description: [/COLOR] Pet: Can i make her a doggy? [COLOR=333333]Other: Your apples aren't as good as mine ^.^ Username: OIALT[/COLOR]
~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ Accepted Pets;
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Name: Nicole (Nikki)
Age: 16?
Gender: Female....
Personality: Comes off snobby but is quiet sweet if you stick around long enough to find out. (I'll add more latter?)
History: Can I TBR? You know how I am.... o.o
Crush: There's no one to have a crush on yet....

Pet: Can i make her a doggy?
Other: Your apples aren't as good as mine ^.^

Username: OIALT
[COLOR=333333]Name: Nicole (Nikki) Age: 16? Gender: Female.... Personality: Comes off snobby but is quiet sweet if you stick around long enough to find out. (I'll add more latter?) History: Can I TBR? You know how I am.... o.o Crush: There's no one to have a crush on yet.... Girl/Boyfriend: Picture/Description: [/COLOR] Pet: Can i make her a doggy? [COLOR=333333]Other: Your apples aren't as good as mine ^.^ Username: OIALT[/COLOR]
Accepted and yes ill make an exception. My apples are way better then yours!
Personality:Quiet, respectful. Shes a hard worker and works from dusk to dawn if she has too. She doesnt like being the cwnter of attention amd is very modest.
History:She grew up as an only child (obviously) and always had to work two jobs at a time to help her parents. Her mother died when she was twelve her mother died and it was horrible emotionally and money wise cause her mother had a better paying job then her and her father combined.


Breed:Blue heeler
Personality:Happy and rambunctious loves to play

Owner name:Wintent

Personality:Snappy, easily angered. He tries to hold his temper but he can come off rude but he's just blunt, he doesnt sugar coat things.
History:Grew ip getting everything he wanted so he became spoiled and used to get anything and everything he asked for. Loves to laugh.


Breed:Maine coon
Personality:Calm laid back loves fish

Owner name:Joushua
Name: Lacy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality:Smart mouthed but funny. Tend's to be very very loud.
History: Can i TBR sense she's Nikki's twin?
Crush: Joushua

Pet: Rebel
Other: I hate apples... She's Nikki's twin.

Username: OIALT

Name: Rebel soul (Rebel
Species: Dog
Breed: Husky
Personality: Snappy and doesn't like most human's or other animals

Owner: Lacy
Other: Apple's?

Username: OIALT

Name: Cole
Species: Dog
Breed: Husky
Personality: Smart and tough, tend's to keep to himself and isn't very friendly

Owner: Nikki
Other: Apples!!!!!

Username: OIALT

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