A New Member With A Dilemma


In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
So, my name is Evie! Happy to be here! But, I joined for a sad reason. I let my ducklings out in the yard with a playpen. I went in to check on them about an hour later. They were gone! The door was open. I found one in the garage hiding behind a old couch, alive and well. I went looking for the other one but no luck. Later, I went to walk my dog and found a huge hawk right near the house. Now, I believe that a hawk tried to take them, they both went in different directions. One was not fast enough and got taken. I was really upset. Especially because this is my first time raising ducklings. What will happen to the other one? I’m really afraid that he’ll die too from sadness. We’re getting more ducks next week to help prevent that. Will it work? IM GOING CRAZY WITHOUT ANSWERS. ANSWER ASAP

Let me know if you have questions!
Hi Evie, welcome to BYC. So sorry for this traumatic event! I have chickens, not ducks so i can't really answer your question except just to guess. How old is your duckling? Until you can get replacements for his buddies, it might help to provide him with a mirror and a stuffed animal. I don't think he will die in a week. @Isaac07 or @WVduckchick might have better answers. Good luck to you!

Edit: help, BYC, am I flagging the right Isaac?
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Hi Evie, and welcome. Two years ago a rescued a lost mallard duckling that must have been only 1 or 2 days old. I raised him by himself and he did just fine. At 4 weeks old, he did seem a little lonely so I put a mirror in with him. He was so happy. He slept beside the mirror and chatted to himself a lot. When he was fully feathered and close to mature size, I was able to let him go at the local pond with the other ducks. Took him a while to fit in but he eventually did and one day flew away with the flock. It was a happy ending for me and him. :D Your duck should be fine until the others arrive.
So, my name is Evie! Happy to be here! But, I joined for a sad reason. I let my ducklings out in the yard with a playpen. I went in to check on them about an hour later. They were gone! The door was open. I found one in the garage hiding behind a old couch, alive and well. I went looking for the other one but no luck. Later, I went to walk my dog and found a huge hawk right near the house. Now, I believe that a hawk tried to take them, they both went in different directions. One was not fast enough and got taken. I was really upset. Especially because this is my first time raising ducklings. What will happen to the other one? I’m really afraid that he’ll die too from sadness. We’re getting more ducks next week to help prevent that. Will it work? IM GOING CRAZY WITHOUT ANSWERS. ANSWER ASAP

Let me know if you have questions!
So, this has happened to us chicken folk all too often, unfortunately. While I'm not positive this is the case with ducks I'd imagine it to be so: When my chickens are taken they almost always (really, always) leave a plume of feathers in the area of attack. I'd go out tomorrow and see if you can locate anything. It is possible (though not likely) your duckling is hiding or stuck somewhere. This winter a fox got in our hen house and we thought we lost 5 birds. Over the course of the day 2 of them showed back up when they knew the coast was clear. I though I had done a very thorough search but believe it or not I found one of the birds stuck under my wood pile A WEEK LATER STILL ALIVE! She got stuck there escaping the attack and was so far under I didn't hear her clucks...so, look around and then look around again...and if you don't find your ducky or you do find evidence she was taken, I'd get your pal a new friend as soon as possible. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's very important to have a predator proof enclosure. I've learned that the really hard way...I'm sorry
So, my name is Evie! Happy to be here! But, I joined for a sad reason. I let my ducklings out in the yard with a playpen. I went in to check on them about an hour later. They were gone! The door was open. I found one in the garage hiding behind a old couch, alive and well. I went looking for the other one but no luck. Later, I went to walk my dog and found a huge hawk right near the house. Now, I believe that a hawk tried to take them, they both went in different directions. One was not fast enough and got taken. I was really upset. Especially because this is my first time raising ducklings. What will happen to the other one? I’m really afraid that he’ll die too from sadness. We’re getting more ducks next week to help prevent that. Will it work? IM GOING CRAZY WITHOUT ANSWERS. ANSWER ASAP

Let me know if you have questions!

Hi, Evie, Welcome to BYC!

Sorry about your loss. You are correct that waterfowl form a strong bond with their partner, but the whole "die of loneliness" thing has been blown out of proportion by most humans, very rarely would that ever happen, you'll notice some obvious behavior changes with her, but I think that'll be the most that you see for now. Your best route would be to buy her some ducklings that are around her age. She should take to them quite fast, and if not, you can separate them so they can see and hear each other but can't touch, that way they can get used to each other a little bit before you full-on let them together.

Also, could you post a few pictures of your setup? Sounds like there needs to be some upgrades predator proof wise.

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