A Newbie to you chicken people, an Oldbie to everyone else


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
I found your site about two hours ago because of a small disagreement between my husband and I. I found the answer - what do you know I was right, but got caught looking in and wanted to become a part of it.
I've had chickens for quite a while. Just started a new flock last year. I had had some Aracanas (Americanas I've heard now) some Baird Rocks and two Buffingtons. Well my Buffs were the friendliest so when I started my new flock I got all Buffs. Mistake - with them all looking exactly alike I can't tell them apart. Bellina my first Buff used to fly to my shoulder. I couldn't have fifteen all coming for me at once so sadly none of them are all that friendly.
My whole flock was killed two years ago when a bear came in and ripped the side out of our coop. Had to start over because I love fresh eggs and keep my whole family supplied.
We live in a small valley above Havilah, California. The nearest neighbor - if you can call them neighbors - is two miles down the mountain on a dirt road. Nearest real town is Lake Isabella. We do have lots of furry neighbors so my girls cannot run free range. They have a good sized coop and run, they really love to get out but besides our furry friends we have hawks and I've had too many girls disappear.
I have 13 beautiful hens now minus the roosters we had. When they attacked my two year old grandson my husband put them to "sleep".
We have seven horses, two longhorn cows, five dogs, six goats (used to be forty til dogs killed all but twelve - not our dogs but strays) we sold six wethers. Will be building a herd again. The goats saved our house from wildfire two years ago. You should have seen them with the hoses and their little red hats on! Actually they had eaten all the brush from around our place and made it easier for the fire fighters to save us.
We bought this place 33 years ago. Fought those "neighbors" in court because of the easement to our place - THREE TIMES.
Won every time but of course the cost was horrible. We have managed to keep this place but it was hard. Will finally be paid for again in a couple of years.
From things I've read here you are our kind of people no matter where you live or how old you are. I guess the chickens are a great common denominator. Can't wait to be a part of the site.


Since I am new and old I probably wrote this in the wrong place.

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sorry to hear you have gone through so many major losses, I hope they are behind you. Love your sense of humor re: goats saving the house - good for them.
33 years in the mountains just seems to bring adversity but I love it - will die here someday - and not from a mountain lion attack! I'm almost 63 - taught sixth graders most of my 32 years in the classroom - loved it.
Thank you for the welcome.
from Sydney, Australia. What a great introduction story!!!

I am a newbie - had my first flock about 10 months. And an oldbie too! This forum and the really helpful members has been worth it's weight in gold as I worked out what kind of coop and run to build, which chickens to get, how to care for them properly and so on. I am sure you will find it very valuable too.

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