I'm getting some new chicks in a month and I'm planning on housing them in the coop(12'X12') where I currently have only three laying hens. I plan to clean it out good and everything before they come.
However the question is, where to put the layers who's home I'm stealing? Well, I'm thinking of building them a nice little coop of their own. That said, I don't want, nor do I have the room to build a whole new pen too. I know they can't be housed together. But can I just put the new coop(doghouse sized) into my current chicken pen? I'll keep the pen door on the old coop shut.. Is that too close?
However the question is, where to put the layers who's home I'm stealing? Well, I'm thinking of building them a nice little coop of their own. That said, I don't want, nor do I have the room to build a whole new pen too. I know they can't be housed together. But can I just put the new coop(doghouse sized) into my current chicken pen? I'll keep the pen door on the old coop shut.. Is that too close?